
  • 网络decalcifying agent;decalcification agent
  1. Chevron公司开发的脱钙剂,在实验室条件下,保持一定的剂钙比、水油比,原油的脱钙率可以达到80%以上,但用于工业装置成本太高。

    At the laboratory conditions , the decalcification agent developed by Chevron can remove 80 % of calcium from crude oil at a given agent to calcium ratio and water to oil ratio . The disadvantage is that the operating cost is too high .

  2. 脱钙剂CC827494在原油电脱盐中的应用

    Commercial experiment of decalcification agent in crude electric desalting

  3. 对EDTA(乙二胺四乙酸)等数种有机脱钙剂进行不同原油的脱钙性能试验。

    Varios organic decalcifying agents including EDTA were tested .

  4. 介绍了两种酸性脱钙剂(CJ型和RPD-2型)在常减压蒸馏装置的工业试验情况。

    The commercial test of two decalcification agents CJ and RPD-2 in atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit is expounded .

  5. 新型原油脱钙剂YS-302的研发与工业应用

    Research and Application of YS-302 De-calcium Agent for Refinery

  6. 评价结果表明,WA型脱钙剂对新疆混合原油中Ca金属元素的脱除率大于80%,对其中Ca、Fe、Mg、Cu等金属元素的总脱除率接近60%。

    In the laboratory scale , WA was applied to treat Xinjiang mixed crude oil . The results showed that the yield of decalcifying was more than 80 % , and the yield of removing metal element such as Ca , Fe , Mg , Cu was about 60 % .

  7. RPD新型脱钙剂避免了钠盐化学剂的缺点,对新疆克拉玛依九区稠油、北疆原油及苏丹稠油等不同性质高钙原油,在剂钙质量比为4.0时脱钙率达90%以上。

    The new RPD decalcifying agent could avoid the above deficit . The sodium removal rate of RPD for different high calcium-containing crude oils , such as viscous crude oils from No.

  8. A型脱钙剂对含油污水处理有明显不利影响,增加环保成本,而FT-2型脱钙剂对含油污水处理影响不大。

    A type decalcifying agent had negative effects on treating oily sewerage thus increasing the treatment cost while FT-2 type had less effects on treatment of oily sewerage .

  9. 再次,将脱钙剂MTPR用于电脱盐工艺中,结果表明,脱钙效果很好,且不会明显影响排水水质。

    Third , the decalcifying agent MTPR was used in the electric desalting technology , the results showed that the decalcifying effect of MTPR was good and did not impact the drainage water quality significantly .

  10. 一种脱铁、脱钙剂在焦化汽油柴油中的应用研究

    The application of iron and calcium removal agent in coker distillates

  11. 化学沉淀稠油脱钙剂的研究

    Research of a kind of chemical precipitating de-calcium agent for viscous crude

  12. 脱钙剂在苏丹原油脱钙工艺中的工业化应用

    Industrial application of decalcifying agent in the decalcification process for Sudan crude

  13. 原油脱钙剂RPD-Ⅱ的研究

    Study on decalcifying agent rpd - ⅱ for crude oils

  14. 高效、环保新型原油脱钙剂的研制

    Preparation of new Decalcifying Agent for Crude Oil

  15. 有机钙脱除过程是含有脱钙剂的水相从油相中萃取金属钙的化学萃取过程,受扩散和化学反应双重控制。

    Furthermore , the extraction process is subject to diffusion and chemical reaction control .

  16. 酸性脱钙剂的工业试验

    Commercial test of acidic decalcification agent

  17. 钙在原油中的存在状态和新型脱钙剂研究

    The Study of the State of the Calcium in the Crude Oil and the Advanced Decalcifying Agents

  18. 考察了脱钙剂用量对脱钙效果的影响,以及对设备的腐蚀性能。

    The dosage 's impact to the de-calcium results and the corrosion performance of the agent were discussed .

  19. 已发现,使用本发明的骨脱钙剂可使骨以相对短的时间被脱钙。

    It is found that bones may be decalcified in a relatively short time using the bone-decalcifying agent of this invention .

  20. 用稀醋酸水溶液作为脱钙剂,环烷酸钙作为模型有机钙化合物,研究了反应条件以及原油三组分的存在对脱钙的影响。

    The influences of reaction conditions and petroleum fractions on the removal of calcium by dilute aqueous acetic acid were investigated using calcium naphthenate as model compound .

  21. 考察了脱钙剂品种和浓度对原油脱金属率、电脱盐工艺中电压、电流以及对含油污水的影响。

    The effects of kinds and concentration of decalcifying agent on the demetalizing rate of crude oil , voltage and current used in desalting process , and oily sewerage were examined .

  22. 电脱盐工艺中加入脱钙剂,电流下降约50%,电压上升约20%,有利于装置平稳操作,节能效果明显;

    The current was decreased by 50 % while voltage increased by about 20 % when using decalcifying agent , so the unit could run smoothly and the energy could be saved obviously .

  23. 工业应用结果表明,该技术脱金属性能稳定、脱钙剂可完全再生、对环境友好,且再生剂与新鲜剂脱金属效果相当,脱钙率达到85.3%以上。

    The commercial application demonstrates that : the demetallization performance is stable , the decalcifying agent can be fully regenerated , the operation is environmentally friendly and the decalcification rate is over 85 . 3 % .

  24. 针对克拉玛依稠油,用自行开发的KR1脱钙剂,进行原油脱钙技术研究,考察了影响脱钙效果的主要因素,确定了较佳的工艺条件,并进行了工业应用试验。

    The decalcifying technology for high calcium contained crude was studied by using Karamay viscous crude oil as feedstock with the self-developed decalcifying agent named KR-1 . The main factors influencing the decalcifying effect were investigated in the laboratory , and the technology was commercially tested .

  25. 螯合沉淀脱钙技术由于使用方便灵活,开发和应用比较多,脱钙剂是该方法的核心技术。

    The chelating precipitation technology is most applied as it is easy in application .