- defoliating agent

The Preliminary Study on Effect of the Content of Plant Growth Regulator in Cotton Tissue with Defoliant and Its Mechanism
Last century , sodium chlorate was used to be as non-selective contact herbicides , defoliant and even soil sterilant in agricultural history .
The USFK says that during the late seventies barrels of other defoliants were buried on base , but were dug up within a few years and removed .
On the basis of4 kinds of cotton disleave agent , the test for disleave agent and the disleave agent mixed with ethrel to treat the cotton was conducted .
The optimum temperature of spraying the mixture defoliants was the 18 ~ 25 ℃ at the daily average temperature , the best spraying time is on September 10 ~ 15th , The spraying can be practiced at the time which the ruptured cotton wool rate achieves 40 % .
It will be useful for picking of machine with manpower controlling , but the impact of defoliant will influence the machine picking .