
jiǎo shǒu bǎn
  • scaffold board
  1. 按照大横杆上面的脚手板和活荷载作为均布荷载计算大横杆的最大弯矩和变形。

    The calculation of ledger maximum bending moment and deformation the even load of scaffold board and live loads above the ledger .

  2. 两点悬挂架空脚手板在柱箱中装柱。如果可能的话,用柱悬挂架。

    Two point suspension scaffold Mount the column in the oven . Use the hanging bracket if available .

  3. 3操作层各步架上、安全通道、入口走道均满铺脚手板,设置安全扶手。

    On the scaffolding operation platform stairs , safety way , entrance has overspread by wooden board , should set up handrail .

  4. 3操作平台:施工层及下面相邻未拆模板层每步架上均满铺脚手板做为施工操作平台。

    Operation platform : all the frames on construction layer and shuttering layer below without backout will be put with scaffolding plank as construction work platform .