
jiǎo hòu gen
  • heel
脚后跟 [jiǎo hòu gēn]
  • [heel] 人脚的后部,位于踝关节之下和脚弓之后

脚后跟[jiǎo hòu gen]
  1. 她脚后跟被一个树根绊了一下,踉踉跄跄地摔倒在地上。

    She snagged a heel on a root and tumbled to the ground

  2. 他的脚后跟起了泡。

    He had a blistered heel .

  3. 几条狗边叫边向着我们的脚后跟咬来。

    The dogs snarled and snapped at our heels .

  4. 他用一根消过毒的针扎破他脚后跟上的水泡。

    He pricks the blister on his heel with a sterilize needle .

  5. 建筑内部包含一个楔子聚氨酯(PU)脚后跟支撑稳定。

    Inside wedge construction contains a polyurethane ( PU ) heel support stabilizer .

  6. n.水泡我的新鞋使我的脚后跟长了水泡。

    blister My new shoes have made blisters on my heels .

  7. 贾斯汀的英文造诣令我折服。n.脚后跟;

    I admire Justin for his proficiency in English . = I think highly ofjustin for his proficiency in English .

  8. 帕里斯就对准阿奇里斯的脚后跟射出一箭,把他杀死了。

    Paris then shot an arrow at Achilles'heel and killed him .

  9. 步行时他一只脚后跟起泡了。

    One of his heels had got blistered on the walk .

  10. 一只小狗跟在他们后面,猛咬咬他们的脚后跟。

    A little dog followed them , snapping at their heels .

  11. 他的新靴子使他的脚后跟起了泡。

    His new boots have given him blister on his heels .

  12. 看见这完整的脚后跟脚弓和五个脚趾了吗?

    See the complete heel , arch and five little piggies ?

  13. 天气很好,那些胖到脚后跟的统统都来啦。

    Fair day and all the beef to the heels were in .

  14. 但当他越过篱笆的时候,他的脚后跟受伤了。

    But when he got acrossthe hedge , he hurt his heel .

  15. 因鞋子不合适,他的脚后跟擦破皮了。

    His heel is raw because his shoe do not fit well .

  16. 以上就是我关于治疗脚后跟干裂的建议。

    This is how I recommend you treat cracked heels .

  17. 这些产品用于治疗脚后跟干裂效果非常显著。

    These are very effective in treating the cracked heels .

  18. 他用一根消过毒的针扎破他脚后跟上的水秙。

    He pricked the blister on his heel with a sterilized needle .

  19. 鞋的后部分或靴的在脚后跟下面的部分。

    The back part of a shoe or boot underneath the heel .

  20. 他一手提着孩子的脚后跟,一手拍他。

    He held him by the heels and slapped him .

  21. 我推荐使用含有25%的尿素的脚后跟干裂润肤霜。

    I recommend a cracked heel foot cream with 25 percent urea .

  22. 这段视频讲述的是怎样治疗干裂的脚后跟。

    This video talks about how to treat or heal cracked heels .

  23. 求助于脚后跟;急忙逃走。

    Take to one 's heels ; cut and run .

  24. 感谢收看“怎样治疗脚后跟干裂”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Heal Cracked Heels .

  25. 小腿紧绷,放下脚后跟的时候放松。

    Feel your calves tighten and relax as you lower your heels .

  26. 感谢收看“怎样治疗脚后跟疼痛”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Treat Heel Pain .

  27. 我建议你们或许应该放松一下脚后跟。

    I suggest you might wanna lose the heels .

  28. 在关键压力点如脚后跟&支撑脚。

    At key pressure points such as the heel .

  29. 他以脚后跟为轴转过身来。

    He swung round , pivoting on his heel .

  30. 手杖上的金属包头沿着小径轻快地跟随着他,在他的脚后跟吱吱作响。

    Its ferrule followed lightly on the path , squealing at his heels .