
  • 网络Brain disease
  1. 脑电图(EEG)作为一种诊断脑部疾病的手段,正被广泛应用于医学领域。

    EEG is widely used in medical field as a means of diagnosing the brain disease .

  2. 这些微观的能量组拥有不同于细胞核中主基因组的自身的DNA,线粒体基因缺陷可能导致从肌肉无力、心衰竭到脑部疾病等多种疾病。

    These microscopic power packs have their own DNA , separate from the main genome in the cellular nucleus , and genetic defects can cause a wide range of medical problems from muscle weakness to heart failure and brain disease .

  3. 动脉法DSA在脑部疾病诊断中的应用

    Intra - arterial DSA the Diagnosis of Cerebral Disease

  4. 脑电图检查在临床上可以辅助诊断脑部疾病,因此对于诊断癫痫来说脑电图(EEG)检查有着十分重要的意义。

    So the electroencephalograph ( EEG ) examination has a great significance for the diagnosis of epilepsy .

  5. SPECT在脑部疾病中的应用

    The Application of SPECT in the Diseases of Brain

  6. 采用医学MRI图像,将人脑的不同器官分割出来并分析是临床诊断和辨识脑部疾病进程的重要手段。

    Segmenting and analyzing anatomical structures from brain MRI images is an effective method to diagnose brain diseases and track their evolvement .

  7. FLAIR序列在脑部疾病中的应用研究

    Study of FLAIR Pulse Sequence in Cerebral Lesions

  8. 目前,PET这一精确成像工具已广泛应用于临床诊断,如心脏疾病、脑部疾病和肿瘤等。

    This highly accurate imaging technique is already widely used for clinical diagnostics , dealing with heart diseases , brain disorders , tumors and so on .

  9. 检测51例非囊虫病者和62例其他脑部疾病患者的CSF,两种方法均为阴性。

    Detection of CSF from 51 patients with non-cysticercosis and 62 patients with other cerebral diseases were all negative by these two methods .

  10. 本文研究设计了基于PC平台的头针治疗系统。脑部疾病辅助治疗系统是以虚拟仪器的设计思想和传统中医理论为基础开发研制的一种智能医疗仪器。

    Cerebral diseases treatment system based on PC is introduced in this paper , which is developed on the idea of the virtual instrument ( VI ) and Traditional Chinese Medicine technique .

  11. 癫痫(epilepsy,EP)是一组由大脑神经元异常放电所引起的以短暂性中枢神经系统功能失常为特征的慢性脑部疾病。

    Epilepsy is a kind of chronic disease of brain which feature is transient malfunction of central nervous system elicited by anomalous discharge of neuron .

  12. 本文报告259例脑部疾病病人SPECT脑显像结果,并与CT,MRI,EEG及TCD等检查作比较。

    The results of SPECT imaging of the brain in 259 patients with various brain diseases were reported and compared the results of SPECT with CT , MRI , EEG and TCD .

  13. 50例正常人、49例其它寄生虫病及5例其它脑部疾病患者脑脊液的CAg均呈阴性反应。

    In the sera from 50 normal persons , 49 other parasitic disease patients and 5 other cerebral desease patients , the circulating antigen was negative .

  14. EEG信号中包含的生理和病理信息丰富,所以脑电图检测是脑部疾病诊断的一种有效方法,常为临床诊断所采用。

    Since EEG contains a wealth of physiological and pathological information , it is an effective method to diagnose brain disease by using EEG detection . This method is often used in clinical diagnosis .

  15. 本文应用~(99m)Tc-ECD对12例正常人和75例各种脑部疾病的γCBF显像进行了半定量分析,通过ROI测定病灶区与小脑比值。

    Semi-quantitative analysis of ~ ( 99m ) Tc-ECD γ CBF imaging were performed in 12 normal control and 75 patients with varied brain diseases .

  16. 结论:EPI技术具有瞬时成像、时间分辨率高的优点,脑灌注成像成为诊断脑部疾病的一个重要工具。

    Conclusion : EPI is a technical with ultra-fast imaging and high temporal resolution , so MR perfusion imaging can become an important tool for the diagnosis of brain lesions .

  17. 资料与方法选择15例脑部疾病患者作为病例组和20名健康志愿者作为对照组进行运动中枢的fMRI研究,病例组分别于治疗后1~14天、1个月、3个月进行复查。

    Materials and Methods 15 patients of motor cortex lesion , 20 normal volunteers as control group , were performed fMRI , following up in patient group after therapy in 1 ~ 14 days , 1 month and 3 months .

  18. 方法:运用常规头线圈、8通道头部线圈和8通道头部线圈加iPAT技术三种检查方法扫描水模以及颅脑健康志愿者22例和患各种脑部疾病患者74例。

    Methods : A phantom , 22 volunteers and 74 patients with various cranial diseases were scanned with three methods , conventional head array ( circularly polarized ) Coil , 8-channel array coil and 8-channel array coil with iPAT technique .

  19. 结论MTX-O-MNPs-Tat-Tf载体系统的建立为今后跨过血脑屏障治疗脑部疾病等提供了良好的应用前景。

    The multi-functioned carrier system successfully crossed the BBB in rat . Conclusion The establishment of MTX-O-MNPs-Tat-Tf carrier model implies a promising future for its application in the - rapy of cerebral diseases .

  20. 永存三叉动脉伴发脑血管性病变及其他脑部疾病

    Persistent primitive trigeminal artery associated with cerebrovascular diseases and other cerebrosis

  21. 任何脑部疾病都像是个耻辱,她说。

    Any disease of the brain has a stigma , she said .

  22. 高压氧治疗脑部疾病昏迷患者的护理

    Nursing for patients with cerebral disease adopting hyperbaric oxygen treatment

  23. 癫痫是一种动态的脑部疾病。

    Epilepsy is a dynamical disease in the brain systems .

  24. 这种进行性脑部疾病可以导致急性病导致记忆力丧失。

    This progressive brain disease can lead to acute and selected memory loss .

  25. 广泛用于临床各科,尤其是脑部疾病的药学本科毕业论文治疗。

    It is widely used in clinical departments , especially in brain diseases .

  26. 对脑部疾病患者预后的影响。

    Objective To explore the influences of hypernatremia on prognosis of brain disease .

  27. 高钠血症对脑部疾病患者预后的影响

    Influence of hypernatremia on prognosis of brain disease

  28. 如腹污、头痛口痛脑部疾病等。

    Like abdomen dirt , headache mouth painful brain vigorous sickness and so on .

  29. 现在已有人在多种脑部疾病的诊断中应用了受体显像。

    Some receptor imaging has already been applied to the diagnosis of brain diseases .

  30. 快速液体衰减反转回复序列技术在脑部疾病中的应用

    Application of fast fluid-attenuated inversion recovery ( FLAIR ) pulse sequence in cerebral disease