  • brain;head
  • 高等动物神经系统的主要部分,在颅腔里,主管感觉和运动。人脑又是思想记忆等心理活动的器官:~髓。~子(a.脑;b.指思考、记忆等能力)。~筋。~海。~际。~壳。~颅。~神经。~下垂体。~积水。~溢血。电~。

  • 头:~袋。~壳。头昏~胀。~满肠肥。

  • 形状或颜色像脑的东西:豆腐~儿。

  • 指从物体中提炼出的精华部分:樟~。薄荷~。


{生理} (脑子) brain:

  • 大脑


  • 小脑


  • 他患脑溢血。

    He suffered from suffusion of blood on the brain.


(脑筋) brains; head:

  • 用脑过度

    overtax one's brains;

  • 你必须自己动脑。

    You must use your own head.


(头部) head:

  • 探头探脑

    pop one's head in and look about


(领导者) head:

  • 首脑人物

    leading personages

  1. 脑细胞一旦遭到破坏,就不能再生。

    Once destroyed , brain cells do not regenerate .

  2. 该手术有导致脑损伤的轻微风险。

    There is a small risk of brain damage from the procedure

  3. 他因脑震荡被送进医院。

    He was taken to the hospital with a concussion .

  4. 她脑瓜子里想法太多。

    Her skull was crammed with too many thoughts .

  5. 他因脑震荡被送进医院。

    He was taken to hospital with concussion .

  6. 她跌倒造成了脑震荡。

    She was concussed after the fall .

  7. 我们被洗了脑,认为人人都是平等的。

    We were brainwashed to believe we were all equal .

  8. 许多职业拳击手结束运动生涯时都已受到了脑损伤。

    Many professional boxers end their careers with brain damage .

  9. 一旦停止用脑,人很快就会变得迟钝。

    Once you stop using your brain you soon go stale

  10. 如果你老不用脑,那么这一特殊才能就会退化。

    If you allow your mind to stagnate , this particular talent will atrophy

  11. 试验记录下了脑电活动。

    The test records the electrical activity of the brain

  12. 我被洗了脑,认为自己一文不值。

    I 'd been brainwashed into believing I was worthless

  13. 弥尔顿的那几行诗忽然在我脑中闪过。

    Those lines of Milton flashed into my mind .

  14. 他脑中不断回想起头天晚上发生的事。

    His mind kept flashing back to the previous night

  15. 进入睡眠状态时,我们的脑电波振幅慢慢变大。

    As we fall asleep the amplitude of brain waves slowly becomes greater .

  16. 一个荒谬的念头突然在哈里脑中闪现。

    A ludicrous thought flashed through Harry 's mind

  17. 语言中枢位于左半脑。

    The major centre for language is in the left side of the brain .

  18. 住院后不久,他就死于大面积脑溢血。

    Shortly after his admission into hospital he had a massive brain haemorrhage and died

  19. 他遭受了严重的脑震荡,脑门上留下的两道被玻璃划破的口子已经红肿。

    He was badly concussed , the glass leaving two angry cuts across his forehead .

  20. 他呼吸特别困难,而且有严重的脑震荡。

    He was badly winded and concussed .

  21. 尼基因脑震荡被火速送往医院。

    Nicky was rushed to hospital with concussion

  22. 它的头极小,由此推断其脑容量也非常小。

    It had an extremely tiny head and , by inference , a tiny brain .

  23. 对他的脑电波进行了连续监测。

    His brainwaves were constantly monitored .

  24. 外科医生在脑根部的静脉和动脉中放置了导管。

    The surgeon placed catheters through the veins and arteries near the base of the head .

  25. 医生推测他死于头部受击引起的脑溢血。

    The doctors speculate that he died of a cerebral haemorrhage caused by a blow on the head

  26. 在他做脑扫描和全身扫描时,他的父母守护在他床边。

    His parents kept a vigil by his bedside as he was given brain and body scans .

  27. 如果血液不循环,肌体细胞,尤其是脑细胞,只能存活几分钟。

    The cells of the body , especially those of the brain , can live only minutes without circulating blood .

  28. 他患脑溢血。

    He suffered from suffusion of blood on the brain .

  29. 他试图从头脑中抹掉这个想法。

    He tried to erase the idea from his mind .

  30. 一个原因可能是rh因子不相配引起新生儿的脑核性黄疸。

    One cause may be an RH incompatibility causing kernicterus in the newborn .