- 名fat body;adipose

The results indicated that the seasonal changes in physiological constants , including corpulence , body corpulence , liver coefficient and adipose corpus coefficient , were obvious .
Morphogenesis of Vanessa urticae Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus in Infected Fat Body Cells
The expression of PAP mRNA in fat body was not obvious ( P0.05 ) .
Large-scale EST Sequencing in Silkworm and Study on Gene Expressed Profile of Fat Body
The incorporation into ENA increased 6-7 times in hormone-treated females . This is consistent with action of JH at the transcriptional level .
Semi-quantitative RT-PCR showed that this gene was highly expressed in midgut , low-expressed in fat body and gonad , and not expressed in head .
Results : The contents of glycogen and PAS substances of two flea species in fatty body were the highest .
Recent investigations show that physiological resurgence is due to the activation of the RNA transcript level in fat bodies , which results in a significant up-regulation of vitellin expression .
Vg was synthesized in the fat body , and its synthesis started on the 4th day after cocooning .
The hyphae penetrated the cuticle of the 2nd and 3rd instar larvae in 24 h and pathogenesis started on their fat body in 48 h.
The ultrastructure of fat body tissue of Helicoverpa armigera H ü bner was observed under the electron microscope by means of ultra-thin tissue slice technology .
In the adult stage only SP-3 was found . SP-3 as persistent storage protein appeared in the fat body of pupa , and was continuously expressed till the adult stage .
In adult females feeding on artificial diet , not only the content , but also the translational activity of fat body RNA were very low . No Vg polypeptides could be detected in the translation product .
The content of reduced glutathione and the changes of glutathione-related enzymes activity in the fat body tissue of the 5th instar larvae of Bombyx mori were assayed after heat shock .
But at 48 hpi , the nucleus of the fat body and trachea epidermis became swollen , and the shape of the cells in these tissues were changed .
30K proteins are not female specific lipoproteins , which are synthesized in the fat body of silkworm .
After 48h , the endocuticle were disintegrated , the germ tubes had passed through the epithelial layers into the body cavity and invaded the fat body nearby the point of penetration .
Comparative observations on the ultrastructure of the liver , pancreas and fat body in Phrynocephalus przewalskii during the pre-hibernation and mid-hibernation periods were conducted .
RT-PCR analysis showed that the EH mRNA only expressed in the brain , and was not be detected in other neural tissues , such as suboesophageal ganglion , thoracic ganglion , abdominal ganglion , and non-neural tissues , such as midgut , fat body and epidermis .
But it is interested that the GSTs in head had higher affinity and catalytic efficiency than the GSTs in fat body and midgut .
The differences among different organizations are obvious , digest tipe and blood much higher than other organizations . Silkgland and fat body almost have no DNJ .
Real-time quantitative PCR analyses showed that cyclinE was expressed in various tissues in all tested tissues of day 3 silkworm larvae of the 5th instar , and the expression level was relatively high in the fat body .
Nevertheless , in comparison with PGs , E-20-M activity in fat body was much higher .
Mature larvae in last instar of Ostrinia furnacalis were used to investigate the effects of . chilling on glycerol content in hemolymph , fat body ( FB ) and FB incubation medium .
The results implied that infection of the virus probably suppressed synthesis of hemolymph protein via destroying fat body tissue .
When exposed to 32 ℃ since the 1st day after cocooning , titres of both vitellogenin ( Vg ) and soluble proteins in the fat body and hemolymph of mature larvae were evidently lower than those at 26 ℃ .
In addition , we found no expression evidence or low expression levels of most Delta and Epsilon GSTs in the fat body which was thought to be the main detoxification organ . This may explain the sensitivity of the silkworm to certain insecticides .
There was no positive signal detected in the epidermis , midgut , fat body from both feeding and wandering larvae , suggesting that either the expression of Ha caspase-1 mRNA was probably haemocyte-specific or its mRNA concentration in haemocytes was significantly higher than that of the other tissues .
Photoperiod , temperature and humidity are the external factors that regulate the metabolism of AFPs ; and the changes of hormone in the body may be the direct internal causes that control the AFPs'synthesis in the fat body .
In the Japanese oak silkworm , Antheraea yamamai , the titre 's dynamics of vitellogenin ( Vg ) or vitellin ( Vt ) and total soluble proteins in the fat body , haemolymph and ovary from larval cocooning to moth emerging were assayed .