
  • 网络Energiewende
  1. 能源转型意味着什么

    Meaning of Energy Structure Transition

  2. 如果远离化石燃料的能源转型正在进行中的话,那么迄今转型进展极其缓慢。

    If there is an energy transition away from fossil fuels under way , it has so far moved painfully slowly .

  3. 期待化石燃料企业充当向新能源转型的先锋也是不理智的。

    Nor is it reasonable to expect fossil fuel companies to be the pioneers of the transition to other sources of energy ;

  4. 它的推出必将为我国汽车向清洁能源转型提供强有力的支持。

    The introduction of the utility model is sure to provide strong support for the transition to clean energy of automobiles in China .

  5. 该合作支持清洁和低碳能源转型,有利于未来获得安全和价格实惠的能源供应。

    This collaboration supports the clean and low carbon energy transition and is conducive to affordable and secure energy supplies for the future .

  6. 我们必须携手努力,让给我们的经济提供动力的能源转型,并在其他国家沿着这条道路前行的过程中予以支持。

    Together , we must work to transform the energy that powers our economies , and support others as they move down that path .

  7. 德国人把自己的方案叫“能源转型”(energiewende),这个词已经开始被其他国家和地区的一些人挂在嘴边。

    The word the Germans use for their plan is starting to make its way into conversations elsewhere : energiewende , the energy transition .

  8. 许多专家呼吁中国能源转型,由以煤炭为主的能源结构向多元化能源结构转变;

    Many experts call on " Transition of China 's Energy Structure ": from energy structure taking coal as a leading resources to energy diversification ;

  9. 期待化石燃料企业充当向新能源转型的先锋也是不理智的。这些企业过去已尝试过那么多次,每次的结果都令人失望。

    Nor is it reasonable to expect fossil fuel companies to be the pioneers of the transition to other sources of energy ; they have tried that many times in the past , always with disappointing results .

  10. 德国已经在其能源转型方案上投入了1400多亿美元,并以固定收益诱惑有意安装太阳能板、风力涡轮机、沼气池等可再生能源设备的农民、屋主、企业以及当地的合作社。

    Germany has spent more than $ 140 billion on its program , dangling guaranteed returns for farmers , homeowners , businesses and local cooperatives willing to install solar panels , wind turbines , biogas plants and other sources of renewable energy .

  11. 我们应当继续履行分阶段取消矿物燃料补贴的承诺,并向21世纪的清洁能源经济转型。

    We need to move ahead with our commitment to phase out subsidies for fossil fuels and transition to21st-century clean-energy economies .

  12. 加强智能电网建设无疑是能源产业转型升级的一项重要内容。

    To Strengthen the building of Smart Grid is undoubtedly an important part of transformation and upgrading of the energy industry .

  13. 实现这个目标,就要求各国政府立即采取措施推进能源行业转型,大幅提升能效,广泛推广低碳技术。

    To achieve this , governments need to take immediate action to transform their energy sectors toward much higher energy efficiency with much more widespread use of low-carbon technologies .

  14. 而且美国将通过鼓励发展中国家实现向清洁能源的转型,共同参与国际合作应对来领导全球应对气候变化威胁,

    And America will lead global efforts to combat the threat of a changing climate by encouraging developing nations to transition to cleaner sources of energy , and by engaging our international partners in this fight ,

  15. 在过去的几个月里,海军已经展示生物燃料如何转化军方并最终成为海军部长雷•马布斯希望的在局势动荡地区远离能源成为转型的一样。

    Over the last few months , the navy has been showcasing how biofuels can transform the military and eventually lead what Navy Secretary Ray Mabus hopes will be a transition away from energy sources in unstable parts of the world .

  16. 新世纪中国硫酸工业的特点将是,装置规模大型化、环保意识进一步增强、原料结构合理重组、技术装备水平全方位提升,以及向能源工厂转型。

    China 's sulphuric acid industry in the new century will be characterized by large sized plants , strengthened sense of environmental protection , reform of raw material composition , all round raising of technological and equipment level and shift to energy plants .

  17. 这也是我们加速向清洁能源经济转型和成倍增加可再生能源如风能和太阳能使用的部分原因这些措施有着为美国创造全新的工业和数十万新的就业岗位的潜能。

    Thats one of the reasons why were accelerating the transition to a clean energy economy and doubling our use of renewable energy sources like wind and solar power steps that have the potential to create whole new industries and hundreds of thousands of new jobs in America .

  18. 及早进行能源消费结构转型,实现能源的可持续发展,已得到国际社会的共识。

    All the world have made an agreement on energy sustainable development and changing the energy consumption structure as soon as possible .

  19. 德国被全世界奉为楷模,环保人士常常以它为例来证明,全球能源系统的转型是可以实现的。

    Worldwide , Germany is being held up as a model , cited by environmental activists as proof that a transformation of the global energy system is possible .

  20. 政策制定者不能让能源价格走低来破坏清洁能源转型。

    Policymakers   should   not   allow   low   energy   prices   to   derail   the   clean   energy   transition .

  21. 我国若要改变经济发展方式,就需要更有效的调整现阶段的能源结构,转变现有的能源利用方式,进一步实现能源转型。

    At this stage China needs more effective energy structure adjustment and transformation of existing energy patterns to change the mode of economic development .

  22. 传统能源日益匮乏,环境污染日趋严重,全球向安全、可靠和环保的可持续能源体系转型迫在眉睫,风电迎来了重要的发展契机。

    The traditional energy shortage , environment pollution are more serious , so the transformation of global to safe , reliable and environmental sustainable energy system is imminent , which brings wind power an important opportunity for development .

  23. 与欧盟委员会的能源与环境问题政策制定者一样,奥巴马称,全球衰退是加速向低炭排放,清洁能源经济转型的机遇&尽管美国的某些人担忧,气候目标和经济复苏之间可能存在冲突。

    Like energy and environment policymakers at the European Commission , Mr Obama talks of the global recession as an opportunity to accelerate the switch to a low-carbon , clean-energy economy – despite some concerns in the US about possible tensions between climate goals and economic recovery .

  24. 交通领域的能源消耗加剧了全球的能源危机和环境污染,低能耗、绿色环保的电动汽车产业已成为全球交通能源转型的发展方向。

    The energy consumption of the transportation field increases the global energy crisis and environmental pollution . Low-emission and energy-conservation electric vehicles have become the developing tendency of the energy transformation .

  25. 由于能源危机、碳排放标准、环境污染、城市交通拥堵等现实因素的限制,传统交通工具不得不向新能源交通工具转型。

    Due to limitations of energy crisis , carbon emission standards , environmental pollution , urban traffic congestion and other practical factors , the traditional means of transport had to transition to new energy transport .