
  1. 重庆市农村能源资源量的分析。

    It analyzes the rural energy resources in Chongqing .

  2. 由于非再生能源资源量有限,生物质能的开发和利用就具有越来越重要的意义。

    As the amount of energy is becoming scarce , it is more important to exploit and use bio-energy .

  3. 由于我国人均能源资源拥有量低于全世界人均水平的一半,而经济的发展依赖于能源的发展。

    The level of energy resources per capita in China is less than half of the world , but economic development depends on energy development .

  4. 中国人均能源资源占有量不足世界平均水平的一半,而作为一个迅速崛起的发展中国家,快速的工业化造成了大量的能源需求和环境污染。

    The amount of energy resoures held by each Chinese person is less than the half of the average level of the world . But the speedy industrialization in this rapid developing country brings on enormous energy needs and environment pollution .

  5. 概述了国内外常规能源的资源量、可采储量、消费量和使用年限。地质时期生物与自然协调演化及化石燃料资源的分布规律

    This paper describes resources quantities , gather store quantities , consumption quantities and application years of convention energy ( coal , petroleum , nature gas ) at home and abroad . COORDINATED BIOTIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL EVOLUTION IN THE EARTH HISTORY AND THE DISTRIBUTION OF FOSSIL FUEL

  6. 他说美国可以通过减少债务,减少和简化税收,剔除一些规章制度,增加国内能源资源的开采量来实现这一愿望。

    America could bring one about , he argues , by reducing its debt , lowering and simplifying taxes , cutting regulation and increasing the exploitation of domestic sources of energy .

  7. 水泥在生产过程中能源、资源的消耗量较高且污染物的排放量较大,对生态环境有重要的影响。

    Cement production is a process with significant environmental impacts that generates high emissions and consumes substantial resources .

  8. 而我国的许多高等院校,据统计,它们的能源及水资源消耗量又比国内城镇居民平均消耗水平高出一倍以上,这其中暗含着大量的浪费现象。

    And many of our institutions of University , according to statistics , their energy and water consumption surpasses the level of domestic consumption of urban residents more than double the average , which implies a lot of waste .

  9. 在以煤炭作为主要能源资源的我国,能源资源需求量的增长引发了大量的煤炭矿产开采,而矿山开采量的增加导致近年来煤炭矿区地质灾害发生数量的递增。

    As the main energy resource in our country , the demand of coal leads to much more coal mining . As a result , the amount of the geological disasters happens in the mining area increase by degrees .