
  • 网络Energy Plan;Energy Initiative;SRES;SREP
  1. 作为手提能源计划,Kennedy发明了一种既能点灯又能充电的手提包。

    Known as the portable light project , Kennedy created a bag that is both a light and a power source .

  2. 基于这种模型给出了流程CIMS的主要应用,包括原料计划、能源计划、生产调度、成本跟踪和质量控制。

    Based on this model , some applications of process CIMS are presented , including resource planning , energy planning , production scheduling , cost tracing and quality controlling .

  3. 华能新能源计划在此次上市中发售30%的股份,其余部分将由母公司中国最大发电商、国有的华能集团(huanenggroup)拥有。

    Huaneng renewables plans to float 30 per cent of the company in its listing , while the remainder will be owned by its parent Huaneng Group , a state-owned company which is the biggest electricity generator in China .

  4. 根据清洁能源计划,新泽西会帮助支付一部分太阳能面板的费用,高达140000美元,Prout只需支付60000美元。

    under the state 's clean energy program , New Jersey helped pay for the panels which cost $ 140000 . Prout 's share , $ 60000 .

  5. 旨在减少我们对矿物燃料依赖的能源计划。

    An energy programme aimed at reducing our dependence on fossil fuels .

  6. 但是美国的清洁能源计划有许多旷日持久且艰难的调整需要处理。

    But the American clean energy programs carry many time-consuming and difficult requirements .

  7. 这是奥巴马总统新能源计划的主要部分。

    That 's a main part of President Obama 's new energy plan .

  8. 你也可以去投资再生能源计划好在未来能取消搭机旅行。

    You can also offset your air travel by investing in renewable energy projects .

  9. 在这样的现实背景之下,各国纷纷开展了自己的新能源计划。

    In such a background , a series of new energy plans have been launched .

  10. 不过,首相菅直人要求全面审查该国能源计划。

    But Prime Minister Naoto Kan wants a total review of the country 's energy plan .

  11. 清洁技术基金支持那些仍然推动其已制定的可再生能源计划的国家。

    The CTF supports those countries that are still backing the renewable energy plans they set forth .

  12. 奥巴马总统曾表示,作为一个全面能源计划的一部分,他支持扩大国内石油开采。

    President Obama has stated that he supports expanded domestic oil drilling as part of a comprehensive energy plan .

  13. 他还表示,供选择的能源计划不能取代核电站,所以必须加强核安全标准。

    He also said alternative energy plans cannot replace nuclear power plants , so safety standards must be strengthened .

  14. 这是近几年内已被取消的兴建计划,取而代之的是一些绿色替代能源计划。

    Here are the ones that have been cancelled in the last few years with some green alternatives proposed .

  15. 为此越来越多的国家开始实行绿色新能源计划,寻求经济发展的新动力,力求解决环境问题。

    More and more countries begin to implement the green energy source plan , in order to solve environmental problems .

  16. 这可能增加40%的排放量,那些本应由清洁能源计划承担的减排量。

    which would wipe out 40 percent of the emissions reductions we 're supposed to get under the Clean Power Plan .

  17. 只要气候变化这类事件不在讨论话题之列,那么任何能源计划都只是夸夸其谈而已。

    Until issues like climate change are included in the discussion , any energy plan is just a lot of hot air .

  18. 沙特阿拉伯的可再生能源计划就像海湾合作委员会的其他成员国(巴林、科威特、阿曼、卡塔尔和阿拉伯联合酋长国)的那样把重点放在了太阳能与核能上。

    Other member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council ( Bahrain , Kuwait , Oman , Qatar and the United Arab Emirates )

  19. 美国国会还在为各种新能源计划的利弊争论不休时,中国已经采取行动。

    While the US Congress continues to debate the pros and cons of various renewable energy policies , China is already taking action .

  20. 这个概念已经在实验室里进行可行性实验了,得到了美国宇航局谷歌公司专项可持续能源计划40万美元的部分支持。

    The concept already has been demonstrated in laboratories , in part supported by $ 400,000 from Google earmarked for NASA sustainable energy projects .

  21. 他还指出,某些欧洲城市,如苏黎世、法兰克福、慕尼黑和维也纳等,正在实施多项生物能源计划以便将动物排泄物转化为燃气。

    European cities such as Zurich , Frankfurt , Munich and Vienna are operating biomass programs to turn waste into gas , he said .

  22. 这在摧毁自然规律和技术障碍很有效果,通过建设道路,能源计划和桥梁;

    It has been effective in eradicating physical and technological obstacles : physical , through the construction of roads , power plants and bridges ;

  23. 奥巴马上任不久,就将推动低碳经济和新能源计划提高到关乎美国未来的战略高度。

    As soon as Austria Pama taking office , he has enhanced the low-carbon economy and the new energy program to American future strategic altitude .

  24. 第十二个五年能源计划表明,我们应该停止低效率能源的生产,同时大幅度提高天然气产量。

    The12th Energy Five Year Plan indicate that we should get rid of the low efficiency production of energy , greatly promote nature gas production .

  25. 杜克能源计划要扩大其太阳能工程,打算建造另一个大约20个足球场那么大的发电厂。

    Duke Energy has plans to expand its solar power projects , with another farm in the works slated to be the size of 20 football fields .

  26. 鹦鹉螺研究所自1992年起开始参与朝鲜的能源计划,并已比照了被外交官描述为该国最可信的能源供应快照。

    The Nautilus Institute has been involved in energy projects in North Korea since 1992 and has collated what diplomats describe as the most credible snapshots of energy supply there .

  27. 这周,中国最大的太阳能面板开发商收回原本将在加利福尼亚,新泽西和德克萨斯州实施的能源计划,因为他们担心大量税会使得计划的成本过于昂贵。

    This week , China 's largest solar power plant developer put on holds plans for a power project for California , New Jersey and Texas because of concerns that duties could make the plan too expensive .

  28. 我们在多赛特有一个堆置肥料计划在运行,在谢菲尔德的大约13家餐厅有可再生能源计划,而我们用过的烹饪油通过净化转化为生物柴油,供我们的运输队使用,他说。

    We 've got a composting scheme operating in Dorset , an energy recycling scheme around 13 restaurants in Sheffield , and our used cooking oil is cleaned and converted into biodiesel for part of our fleet , he said .

  29. 能源部计划在造价几十亿美元的高科技工厂里将那些致命的废料固态化。

    The Energy Department plans to solidify the deadly waste in a high-tech billion-dollar factory .

  30. 因此,我们也在其他清洁能源行动计划方面进行更密切的合作,这其中包括委员长先生本周与亚利桑那第一太阳能公司(FirstSolar)签署的协议,该项目将致力于开发世界最大的聚光太阳能发电厂。

    So we are cooperating more closely on other clean energy initiatives as well , including the agreement you signed this week , Mr. Chairman , with the Arizona company First Solar to develop the largest solar farm in the world .