
  • 网络energy price
  1. 但是P。知道一旦能源价格保持低迷的话他可能得进行长期的艰苦战斗了。

    But P.knows he may have an uphill battle to fight as long as energy prices remain low .

  2. 世界银行(worldbank)的一份研究表明,发展中经济体已证明了自己对信贷市场危机的承受力,但不断高涨的食品和能源价格将给它们带来重大威胁。

    Developing economies have proved resilient to credit market turmoil , but soaring food and energy prices pose a significant threat , says a World Bank study .

  3. 政策制定者不能让能源价格走低来破坏清洁能源转型。

    Policymakers   should   not   allow   low   energy   prices   to   derail   the   clean   energy   transition .

  4. 共和党候选人纷纷指责总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)未能采取足够的措施,抑制能源价格。

    Republican candidates have accused President Barack Obama of not doing enough to cut prices .

  5. BusinessRoundtable的预期通常相对较为乐观,但面对攀升的能源价格与令人担忧的住房市场,其预期也逐渐趋向悲观。

    The group , whose outlook is usually relatively upbeat , has become pessimistic amid mounting energy prices and housing-market worries .

  6. 通过建立一个VAR模型,对1996~2005年间我国物流产业发展、国民经济和能源价格之间关系进行了实证检验。

    Relationship between logistics industry and economic growth in China from 1996 to 2005 is empirically investigated by VAR Model .

  7. 在EUETS下,能源价格因素影响相对较小,且其中影响最大的是煤炭价格。

    In the EU ETS , energy price has less effect and the greatest influence factor is coal price .

  8. 俄罗斯抨击欧盟(EU)对俄罗斯关键经济部门进行大范围制裁,警告欧洲人能源价格将上升。

    Russia has lashed out at the EU for imposing broad sanctions against key sectors of its economy , warning Europeans would pay with higher energy prices .

  9. 与此同时,能源价格持续下跌,欧佩克(OPEC)石油生产国也未能阻止这种下跌。

    Meanwhile , energy prices have been falling and the Opec oil-producing countries have failed to halt the decline .

  10. 笔者从国际能源价格下跌、我国各行业能源利用效率的比较、三次产业的比重变化等方面进行分析,揭开了我国1997&1999年能源消费与GDP增长负相关之迷。

    The writers have analyzed the causes from three aspects : the fall of price of international energy resources ; comparison of efficiency of energy resources in different industries ;

  11. 联邦公开市场委员会(Federalopenmarketcommittee)发布的这份声明重申,随着劳动力市场进一步的改善,以及能源价格下降等因素的暂时性影响的消退,美联储官员预计通胀水平将出现反弹。

    But the statement issued by the Federal Open Market Committee reiterated that Fed officials expect inflation to rebound as the labor market improves further and the transitory effect of lower energy prices and other factors dissipate .

  12. 从外部环境看,随着能源价格的普遍上涨及环境问题的严峻性,能耗较高的空调系统迫使人们不得不关注全寿命周期成本理论(lifecyclecost,简称LCC)。

    See from the external environment , with universal rise of the energy price as well as the severity of the environmental problems , the high energy consumption make people obliged to consider the life cycle cost theory .

  13. EUA价格也受原油、天然气和煤炭等能源价格影响。

    Crude oil , natural gas and coal also affect EUA price .

  14. 在电力行业应用ccs达到一定规模之后,则有可能通过调整能源价格补贴ccs电厂。

    Only when the application of CCS in the power sector has risen up to a certain scale is it possible to subsidize CCS power plants by adjusting energy prices .

  15. 萨斯喀彻温省大学的一位经济学家RichardGray认为,同以往农场衰落时期相比,当前的农场经济萧条可能不会产生影响深远或持续长久,因为生物燃料现在正同粮食和能源价格密切相关。

    The bust , when it comes , may not be as deep or as long as previous farm slumps because biofuels now link grain and energy prices , says Richard Gray , an economist at the University of Saskatchewan .

  16. 会计师事务所普华永道(PwC)日前表示,英国可能在为中产阶级通胀的说法所误导,因为该公司研究显示,不断上涨的食品、燃料以及能源价格对最贫困者的打击最大。

    Britain risks being seduced by a myth of middle-class inflation , the accountants PwC said yesterday as its research suggested rising food , fuel and energy prices hit the poorest hardest .

  17. 而CCX下,能源价格是最大影响因素,且其中最重要的影响因素是天然气价格。

    However , in the CCX energy price is the most important factor and natural gas price is the greatest .

  18. 能源价格不断上涨导致决策者对其可能造成的通胀影响提出警告。就在几天前,发达工业国家的能源监督机构&国际能源机构(IEA)再次呼吁欧佩克增产。

    Rising energy costs have prompted policymakers to warn about a possible inflationary impact , just days after the International Energy Agency , the industrialised countries ' energy watchdog , reiterated its call on Opec to increase its production .

  19. 在CCX下,第一阶段受政策和制度因素影响的配额供给因素是唯一显著的影响因素,且影响力越来越大;第二阶段该因素影响小于能源价格因素。

    In the CCX quota supply is the only obvious factor and its influence becomes greater and greater ; its effect is smaller than energy price in phase ⅱ .

  20. 花旗集团(citigroup)的史蒂文英格兰德(stevenenglander)表示,由供应冲击推动的能源价格上升,将不利于增长敏感的非石油大宗商品出口国、以及那些有巨额经常账户赤字的经济体的货币。

    Steven Englander , of Citigroup , said the losers from a rise in energy prices driven by a supply shock would be currencies belonging to growth-sensitive , non-oil commodity exporters and to currencies of economies that have large current account deficits .

  21. 美国劳工统计局(BLS)数据显示,剔除波动较大的食品和能源价格后,核心消费价格指数同比仅上升0.6%,这是自1957年开始编制该数据系列以来最低的通胀率。

    Excluding volatile food and energy prices , the consumer price index rose by only 0.6 per cent on a year ago according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , the lowest rate of inflation since the series began in 1957 .

  22. 西太平洋银行(Westpac)声称,消费信心改善是一种初步迹象,表明消费者已注意到中国央行(PBoC)的宽松举措,并正从全球油价暴跌导致的能源价格降低中受益。

    The Aussie bank argues the uptick is a tentative sign that consumers have registered easing measures undertaken by the People 's Bank of China , as well as benefiting from lower energy prices due to the global oil price rout .

  23. canaccordgenuity的分析师表示,资源匮乏、人口增长、能源价格上升等经济因素,将逐渐成为各种原料回收再利用的长期催化剂。

    Economic forces like resource scarcity , rising populations and higher energy prices will act as a long-term catalyst for recycling of all materials over time , according to analysts at canaccord genuity .

  24. 通胀恶化的原因之一是食品和能源价格上涨。

    One reason is the surge in food and energy prices .

  25. 他说:大宗商品和能源价格涨了很多。

    Commodity and energy prices are much higher , he said .

  26. 美联储表示,不断下跌的能源价格提高了家庭消费能力。

    Falling energy prices have boosted household spending power , it said .

  27. 他刚承诺要冻结能源价格,国际能源价格就开始暴跌。

    He promised to freeze energy prices shortly before world prices collapsed .

  28. 能源价格下滑也已经为经济增长注入令人欣喜的推动力。

    Falling energy prices have also provided a welcome boost to growth .

  29. 改革现行不适应的能源价格形成机制和价格管制方式;

    Reforming the current , inappropriate energy price mechanisms and price control patterns ;

  30. 特别是由于能源价格和其他商品都急剧下降。

    Especially since the price of energy and other commodities have fallen sharply .