
  1. 高阳著名长篇历史小说《胡雪岩全传》以文学艺术的形式反映了晚清官、商、之间的复杂关系。

    Biography of Hu Xue-yan , a famous historical novel by Gao Yang , reflects the complicated relationship among officials , domestic merchants and foreign merchants in the artistic form of literature .

  2. 报告文学的艺术丰碑&试析《西行漫记》的主体、客体辩证统一艺术在高阳创作的几大系列历史小说中,《胡雪岩全传》可谓一座艺术丰碑,集中体现了高阳历史小说创作的艺术个性。

    An Artistic Monument in the History of Reportage : Object-subject and Subject-object Art in Red Star Over China It embodies a concentrated reflection on the artistic features of Gao Yang 's historical novels .