
  1. 在阮德坚被逮捕之后的几天,越南的股市出现下跌,自5月初以来,胡志明股指(HoChiMinhStockIndex)已经下跌18%。

    Stocks dropped in the days following the arrest , and the Ho Chi Minh Stock Index is down 18 % since the beginning of May .

  2. 英特尔(Intel)上周公布了一项计划,在胡志明市投资10亿美元建设一个半导体封装测试工厂。这是美国企业在越南的最大一笔投资。

    Intel last week unveiled plans to build a $ 1bn semi-conductor assembly and testing facility in Ho Chi Minh City , the largest investment by a US company .

  3. 在胡志明市郊也有一家BIGC超市。

    There was a Big C in Saigon too .

  4. 这一进展十分明显,从三星电子(SamsungElectronics)非同寻常的扩张到胡志明市打出的横幅,称赞越南与日本合作修建地标性城市铁路网络。

    The advances are visible in trends ranging from the extraordinary expansion of Samsung Electronics to the Ho Chi Minh City banners proclaiming the Vietnam-Japan co-operation to build a landmark urban rail network .

  5. 其他被ECA国际列在世界高房价前10名的亚洲城市包括了孟买、首尔、新加坡与胡志明市。

    Other Asian cities that made ECA 's top 10 global list were Mumbai , Seoul , Singapore and Ho Chi Minh City .

  6. 资本主义批判者中的代表人物——切·格瓦拉(CheGuevara)、菲德尔·卡斯特罗(FidelCastro)、胡志明(HoChiMinh)——秉持了左派政治的蓄须传统。

    Iconic critics of capitalism - Che Guevara , Fidel Castro , Ho Chi Minh - kept alive the identification of facial hair with leftist politics .

  7. 来自胡志明市热带病医院的医生参与了该研究组,他们从H5N1禽流感幸存者的血液中分离出了抗体。

    The researchers , including doctors from the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in Ho Chi Minh City , Vietnam , isolated antibodies from the blood of human survivors of the H5N1 virus .

  8. 自从这第一个项目之后,嘎拉瓦丁已经在柬埔寨和缅甸建造了几个豪华生物气候酒店,在胡志明市建造了一个概念餐厅,甚至还为T3团队建造了自己的绿色办公楼。

    Since that first project , Gallavardin has built several luxury bioclimatic hotels in Cambodia and Myanmar , a concept restaurant in Ho Chi Minh City , and even his own green office for the T3 team .

  9. 正如越南胡志明市律师弗雷德里克伯克(frederickburke)提及东南亚时所说:“环顾这一地区,你可以发现许多国家拥有光明的未来。”

    As Frederick Burke , a lawyer in Ho Chi Minh City , says of South-East Asia : " looking around the region , you can see a lot of countries with a bright future behind them . "

  10. 而TranMinhThiem此时正在胡志明市的各个老年人俱乐部巡回表演,一下午连续转上7000个圈子,并告诉越南老人如何让自己老当益壮。

    Thiem is touring Ho Chi Minh City 's old people 's clubs , spinning up to7,000 times in an afternoon and showing other elderly Vietnamese how to roll back the years .

  11. 过去几年,越南多数新外资来自韩国和日本,胡志明市FulbrightEconomicsTeachingProgram负责人NguyenXuanThanh表示,这既有商业原因,也有地缘战略原因。

    In the past few years , most of the new foreign investment in Vietnam came from Korea and Japan , said Nguyen Xuan Thanh , director of the Fulbright Economics Teaching Program in Ho Chi Minh City . And that is for both business and geopolitical reasons .

  12. 2012年,该公司能容纳32名乘客的AngkorPandaw号起航,旅客可选择三至七个夜晚的旅行路线,而AvalonWaterways公司能容纳32名乘客的AvalonAngkor号在越南胡志明市与柬埔寨暹粒省之间通行,一次航程超过七天。

    In 2012 , the company launched the 32-guest Angkor Pandaw , offering three - to seven-night itineraries , while Avalon Waterways set the 32-passenger Avalon Angkor sailing between Ho Chi Minh City and Siem Reap over seven nights .

  13. 例如,胡志明市大学的NgocK.Phan已经在建立供规划中的临床研究使用的胚胎和成年干细胞系方面做了开创性的工作。

    Ngoc K.Phan at the University of Ho Chi Minh City , for example , has done pioneering work in establishing embryonic and adult stem cell lines for planned clinical studies .

  14. 1946年的今天,胡志明被选为北越的总统。

    1946-Ho Chi Minh is elected the President of North Vietnam .

  15. 胡志明也同样支持这种教育政策。

    The education policy was supported also by Ho Chi Minh .

  16. 南越首府被改名为胡志明市。

    The South Vietnamese capital was renamed Ho Chi Minh City .

  17. 河内是首都,胡志明是最大的城市。

    Hanoi is the capital and Ho Chi Minh City the largest city .

  18. 没有什么比独立自由更可宝贵的了。&[越南]胡志明

    Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom . & Ho Chi Minh

  19. 但好像是胡志明(越南)时间

    But I think that might be Ho Chi Minh 's time zone .

  20. 在胡志明,越南的第一晚是那么的美好的。

    First night in Ho Chi Minh City , Vietnam was so damn great .

  21. 是的,到胡志明市的到岸价格。

    Yes , CIF Ho Chi Minh City .

  22. 上面这个词就是「胡志明城市师范大学」。

    This term above is " Normal school of Ho Chi Min city " .

  23. 时至今日,胡志明小道仍然是个带有传奇色彩的历史话题。

    Nowadays , Ho Chi Ming Trail is still a history topic with legend color .

  24. 我今天下午4点从胡志明市回到了洛杉矶。

    I a heading back to Los Angeles today at around4pm here in HoChiMinh City .

  25. 所谓胡志明小道是在老挝南部的密林中开辟出来的。

    The Ho Chi Minh Trail was hacked through jungles covering the southern half of Laos .

  26. 我接受胡志明八月三十日的答辩,三天前,他致死的原因。

    I received Ho Chi Minh 's reply on Aug.30 , three days before his death .

  27. 到胡志明市、雅加达、孟买和中国的任何一个大城市去碰碰运气吧。

    Try Ho Chi Minh City , Jakarta , Mumbai and any major city in China .

  28. 从新加坡起飞,两个小时即可抵达雅加达或越南胡志明市。

    Singapore is a two-hour flight from Jakarta and from Ho Chi Minh City , Vietnam .

  29. 他们发觉游击队领袖胡志明患了疟疾和赤痢,病情沉重。

    They found the guerrillas'leader , Ho Chi Minh , seriously ill from malaria and dysentery .

  30. 中国广西南宁、桂林育才学校的举办,体现了胡志明这一培养青年人才的思想。

    The founding Guilin 's Yueai school reflected Ho Chi Minh 's thought of cultivating young talents .