- anticline;upper bend

A simultaneous detection of P wave and P-SV converted wave is made using constant offset on a 2-D organic glass model consisting of anticline , fault and horizontal reflector .
A Preliminary Study on the Relationship between Satellite TM image Features of Zhenfeng Anticline and Gold deposits of Southwestern Guizhou
The most common structural targets associated with oil entrapment are anticlines and faults .
The Application of Field Size Sequence Method in the Resources Assessment of Basin Margin Anticline Play
Geological condition and TEM geophysical anomaly is suitable for mineralization in south flank of the anticline .
Description of hydrocarbon reservoir in No. 1 anticline in the DH oil field . ⑦ anticlinal reservoir .
The main types of fluid inclusions for Zijinshan metallogenic fluid system are liquid-rich inclusions ( I a ), H2O-rich inclusions ( II a ) and subordinate vapor-rich inclusions ( I c ) .
Study shows that the fractures mainly consist of high-angle fractures and horizontal fractures dominated by tensile stress , of which high-angle fractures are distributed as " X " joint on anticlinal crest ;
The major structure in the mine district is NW SE trending disharmonic brachy anticlinorium superimposed by later N S trending second order fold . Rectal complications after prostate brachy - therapy
Mianhuazhou mining area is located in the composite area of Kunlun Mountain anticlinorium and NE NNE trending faulted structure in the mole track , eastern Shandong .
Aran anticline northwest dumping fractured reservoir development is the most favorable position . 6 .
The Lamuchang Thallium deposit occurs in the core and near the core of the NE Lanmuchang anticline , and is controlled by NE-SW faults , which have relationship with the Lanmuchang anticline .
Hulu phosphorus deposit is situated in the southwestern end of Guzhang anticline . The phosphorus-bearing rock series lies in the lower part of Doushantuo Formation of Sinian , with a total thickness of 10m , which can be divided into A-B-C-D-E-F sedimentary sequences .
Model results show The results show that the marine CSEM method can distinguish between the existence of oil and gas .
Relatively large WNW-NW-trending faults seem controll the occurrence of three coal-accumulating stages , while WNW-NW-trending anticlines inside the central fault may controll the coal-accumulating centres and districts .
The district is located on the Taiping syncline between the Xingning anticlinorium and the Nadou anticline , striking along NW-SE in the whole . Two groups of faults , striking in NE and NW , are developed in this area .
The formation time of Aran traps is synchronization or late of oil and gas generation , migration , it is can effectively capture of oil and gas .
The structure is a compressive long-axis anticline with low relief and extends NE-SW . There are three local structural highs which formed three traps in the area .
Based on surveying gold deposits and interpreting satellite TM image of Zhenfeng Anticline in Southwestern Guizhou , this paper discusses preliminarily the relationship between the TM image and Known gold mineralization , so as to provide geological evidences for searching for gold deposits using remote sensing .
We described with details the four major exploration steps , and methods for data acquisition and processing , AVO technologies , seismic inversion techniques , target oriented seismic explanation methods , representation and evaluation technologies for non anticline straps of geophysical exploration methods .
Yinshan upfolds the fault zone and the secondary construction create a favorable space for leading ore. It is the the main factor of rock control and ore control . Near EW , the fault zone controls the ore of every mineralized zone . 3 .
LD 15-1 prospect is located in the central depression of Yinggehai basin , which is an anticlinal structure formed by the arching of underlain mud diapir .
It is concluded that the seismic-tectonic activity of the Huangling anticline area behave as whole and the tectonic process is under way in the depth of 15  ̄ 20 km as well as direction distribution of tensile stress axes appears radioactive from the centre of the anticline .
The formation of salt anticline and hydro-carbon enrichment in Wenliu area
Forming pattern of self-generating and self-preserving reservoirs in reversal anticline structure
The anticlinal axis [ line , fold , strata , valley ]
A first discussion on the tectonic emplacement of Baoxing anticlinorium , sichuan
Inversion resulted that the anticline trap directly overlaid on the sag .
Surface subsidence patterns for mining ore seam with anticlinal structure
Characteristics of inverted anticline and indication on seismic profile in