
dǎn lüè
  • courage and resourcefulness
胆略 [dǎn lüè]
  • [courage and resourcefulness;mettle] 勇气和谋略

  • 他有超人的胆略

  1. 谷歌前员工、现为应用(app)制造商Beautylish联合创始人的萨米尔·延加(SameerIyengar),质疑谷歌在阐述其科技愿景方面有足够的胆略:“与过去相比,思想领导力可能相对缺乏,”他提出。

    Sameer Iyengar , a former Google employee who is now a co-founder of app maker Beautylish , questioned whether Google was being bold enough in laying out its tech vision : " The thought leadership is maybe absent , compared to where it was in the past , " he suggested .

  2. 希腊以及其他一些边缘地区显示了面对紧缩计划的胆略。

    Greece and other peripherals have shown their mettle with austerity plans .

  3. 赤身走路,更有胆略。

    For there 's more enterprise in walking naked .

  4. 给我肤色的祖国,给我智慧与胆略的祖国。

    Color my country , give me wisdom and boldness of the motherland .

  5. 他们非常钦佩他的胆略和显现出这种胆略的那些难以置信的成就。

    They greatly admired his audacity and the incredible successes which had crowned it .

  6. 军事指挥主要靠理智,毅力和胆略。

    Military leadership is primarily a matter of intelligence , tenacity , and iron nerves .

  7. 马克思不但是一位知识渊博的人,而且也是一位具有伟大胆略的人。

    Marx was not only a learned man , but one of great courage as well .

  8. 他们是祖国的蓝天卫士,展现出了所向披靡的气质和胆略。

    They are the blue sky of the motherland defenders demonstrated an unbeatable temperament and courage .

  9. 在艰难困苦面前,邀请者与被邀请者都表现出非凡的勇气和胆略。

    In this process both the senders and receiver of the invitation exhibited extraordinary courage and insight .

  10. 作为一个方外之人,庄子有非常人所拥有的智慧与胆略,他的美学趣味当然也与众不同。

    As a saint , Chuang-tzu has unusual wisdom and courage , and his aesthetics interest is also special .

  11. 中国现有芯片产业的缓慢发展或许可以解释清华紫光此举的胆略。

    The slow progress made by China 's existing chip industry may explain the boldness of Tsinghua 's move .

  12. 面对来自语言学等其他流派对经典历史主义提出的挑战,詹姆逊表现出理论的胆略和远见。

    With the challenge to classical history from Linguistics and other theories , Jameson did his best to cope with .

  13. 第三,具有独特的怀疑精神和挑战传统的胆略,实现了理论、知识和学科的创新。

    Thirdly in his unique skeptical spirit and courage to challenge tradition which has realized creation of theory , knowledge and subjects .

  14. 他为艾莱柯闯荡世俗股市的勇气和胆略感到骄傲,对她处理精神事务时戒急用忍的心态也同样自豪。

    He was proud of her nerve and daring in exploiting worldly stocks , and just as proud of her conservative caution in working her spiritual deals .

  15. 受战场情况复杂多变、侦察情报不充分和指挥员知识经验、作战胆略等限制,指挥员就决策问题进行两两对比分析时,对作出的每个判断的把握程度是不同的。

    The commander 's judgments in making pairwise comparison for battle alternative decision making are different because of the complicacy of the battlefield situation , reconnaissance information insufficiency , commander 's knowledge and experience shortage .

  16. 上周,随着滴滴在这场胆略(及资金)的较量中彻底击败优步,柳青终于证明了自己的正确。人们认为,滴滴能够筹集资金并以令人瞠目结舌的速度烧钱,就是她在运筹帷幄。

    Finally , Ms Liu , credited as the brains behind Didi 's ability to raise money and burn it at a jaw-dropping pace , was vindicated this week , as Didi vanquished Uber in a war of nerves ( and cash ) .