
  1. 做过心肺移植手术后,她的身体不断好转。

    Since her heart and lung transplant operation she has gone from strength to strength

  2. 结果共完成26例大鼠肺移植手术,成功23例,失败3例,手术成功率为88.5%,术后7d存活率为100%。

    Results In 26 cases of single lung transplantation in rats , the operation was successfully carried out in 23 cases and failed in 3 cases with the successful rate being 88.5 % .

  3. 研究目的:通过对Beagle犬施行单侧肺移植手术,掌握手术的基本步骤和要点,为后续实验打下坚实的基础,也为临床肺移植工作提供有价值的理论指导。

    Research purposes : based on the Beagle dog single lung transplantation surgery , mastering the basic steps and main points , operation to lay a solid foundation for subsequent experiments , as well as clinical lung transplantation work provide valuable theoretical guidance .

  4. 结论序贯式双肺移植手术指征较广,但手术风险大;

    Conclusions Bilateral sequential lung transplantation is a high risk procedure .

  5. 肺移植手术后的临床观察与护理

    Clinical Observation and Nursing Care of Patients Following Lung Transplantation

  6. 肺移植手术是高难度的大器官移植手术,参加手术的人员需要有较丰富的解剖学知识,掌握手术步骤及要点,使手术过程有条不紊。

    The lung transplantation operation is a highly difficult big-organ transplant operation .

  7. 目的探讨呼吸机依赖患者行肺移植手术的可能性。

    Objective To investigate the operation probability of lung transplantation in the ventilator-dependent patients .

  8. 现就肺移植手术后气道吻合口狭窄的原因、预防及治疗的进展进行综述。

    The progress of the cause , prevention and treatment of airway anastomosis stenosis after lung transplantation is reviewed in this article .

  9. 7月,她的囊胞性纤维症恶化,医生们把列入双肺移植手术等候名单。

    In July her cystic fibrosis progressed to the point where doctors put her on a waiting list for a double-lung transplant .

  10. 结论:非内皮化袖套大鼠左单肺移植手术较传统袖套技术更易掌握,手术时间缩短,成功率较高,此动物模型应用于观察时间较短的再灌注损伤的研究是合乎要求的。

    Conclusion : Rat left lung transplantation model with non-vessel endothelium cuff technique is easy to do and acceptable for short period research .

  11. 宾夕法尼亚州的一名十岁女孩因肺移植手术的分配而处于全民争论的中心,目前她正在接受肺移植手术。

    A ten-year-old Pennsylvania girl at the center of a national debate over the allocation of lungs for transplant is undergoing a transplant today .

  12. 建立成功的移植模型是开展肺移植手术的前期准备工作,为此,我们于2003年4月~2004年4月成功开展了动物单肺移植的实验研究。

    To establish successful models of transplantation is the preliminary preparation for lung transplantation , therefore we carried out an experimental study on canine lung transplantation successfully ( April 2003-April 2004 ) .

  13. 肺移植手术成功60只(88%),手术失败8只,其中吻合口漏血1只,肺淤血3只,肺复张不佳4只。

    In 68 rats of operations , successful rate was 88 % ( 60 / 68 ), anastomotic stoma leak in one rat , lung congestion 3 rats , lung atelectasis 4 rats .

  14. 米兰(路透社)-星期五,处于意大利南部城市巴勒莫的一个医疗研究所负责人说,意大利医生对艾滋病患者实施了世界首例肺移植手术。

    MILAN ( Reuters ) - Doctors in Italy have performed the world 's first lung transplant on an HIV patient , a medical institute in the southern city of Palermo said on Friday .

  15. 方法对11例肺移植手术患者实施胸部物理治疗,内容包括:深呼吸、有效咳嗽、胸部扣击、体位引流、机械吸引等。

    Methods Chest physiotherapy including deep breath , effective cough , chest percussion , postural drainage and mechanical absorb was performed and system condition of each patient was evaluated before operation and after operation .

  16. 迪伦马默里的父亲乔恩患有囊胞性纤维症,今年三月在等待双肺移植手术时去世,享年41岁。小迪伦为了纪念爸爸每天都会画画和收集照片。

    Little Dylan Mummery draws daily pictures and collects photos to remember his amazing dad Jon - a cystic fibrosis suffer who died in March at the age of 41 while waiting for a double lung transplant .

  17. 肺移植围手术期肝肾功能动态分析

    Dynamical analysis of liver and kidney function during lung transplantation

  18. 同种异体肺移植围手术期X线片改变的临床意义及处理

    Clinical significance and treatment in perioperative lung transplantation patients with abnormal radiographic findings

  19. 双肺移植围手术期一氧化氮吸入治疗&附5例报告

    Perioperative Inhaled Nitric Oxide Therapy for Bilateral Lung Transplantation , with Five Cases Report

  20. 肺移植围手术期的监测和护理

    Clinical Observation and Perioperative Nursing of Lung Transplant

  21. 临床左侧单肺移植围手术期处理

    Perioperative Management of left single lung

  22. 目的探讨9例序贯式双肺移植的手术指征和安全性。

    Objective To explore the surgical indications and safety of bilateral sequential lung transplantation in 9 cases .

  23. 在原陈忠华大鼠心肺联合移植手术基础上,改为保留整个左肺叶;

    On the basis of the model of heart-lung transplantation in rats by Chen Zhonghua , we reserved the whole left lobe instead of the right lower lobe , and use St.

  24. 自护模式在肺移植病人围手术期的应用

    Application of self-care mode in peri-operative patients underwent lung transplantation

  25. 单侧犬肺原位移植的手术配合

    Operation Matching of Single Dog Lung Orthotopic Transplantation

  26. 同种异体肺移植术的手术配合

    Nursing Coordination of Allogeneic Lung Transplantation in Human

  27. 结论终末期肺气肿是肺移植最常见的手术适应证。

    Conclusions End-stage emphysema is the most frequent indication for lung transplantation .

  28. 左肺移植动物实验的手术配合

    Operative Coordination on Animal Experiment of Left Lung Transplantation

  29. 结果6只犬肺移植顺利,无手术死亡。

    Results 6 dogs were transplanted successfully and no one died of the operation .

  30. 护理计划管理在心脏及心肺联合移植术围手术期的实施与效果

    The practice and effect of the nursing planned management in peri-operative nursing for patients with heart transplantation or heart and lung combined transplantation