
  1. 它持有一家中国本土资产管理公司和一家保险公司的股份,并控股香港恒生银行(HangSengBank)。

    It has stakes in a local asset manager and an insurer , and controls Hang Seng Bank .

  2. 他因买下创始人的股份而得到控股权。

    He obtain control by buy the founder 's shareholding .

  3. 我们热情欢迎,但是社区的股份你必须控股。

    We warmly welcome , but you must be holding the shares communities .

  4. 第二章讨论了我国企业兼并的主要形式,即承担债务式、购买式、吸收股份式、控股式等。

    In China , M A takes four major forms assuming liabilities method , purchase method , absorption of shares method and acquiring controlling interest method .

  5. 该文从中小股东是否转让股票和中小股东对控股股东的监督二个方面,对我国股份有限公司控股股东与广大中小股东之间的关系进行了博弈分析。

    This paper makes a game analysis from two aspects in which whether the middle and small shareholders transfer their stock and their supervision upon the holding shareholders , and deals with the relations between the two holders as well .

  6. 在通讯表决的适用范围上作出了广义的理解,适用通讯表决的公司应该包括所有的股份公司,控股股东也可以采用通讯表决,任何类型的股东大会也都可以采用通讯表决。

    In communication vote scope made the understanding of broad sense , applied communication voting company should include all of the shares of the company , the controlling shareholders can also be used for any type of shareholder communication vote , and congress also can use communication voting .

  7. 亚洲首富李嘉诚将把赫斯基能源(HuskyEnergy)的6%股份出售给他的控股公司,这是一场规模更大的调整的一部分。

    Mr. Li , Asia 's richest man , is selling a 6 percent stake in Husky Energy to his holding company as part of a broader shake-up .

  8. 知情人士透露,其余股份购自爱马仕控股家族的未具名成员。

    The remainder of the stake has been bought from undisclosed members of the families that control Herm è s , according to people familiar with the matter .

  9. 中国通信服务上海公司是由中国通信服务股份有限公司全资控股的独立法人公司,母公司是由中国电信集团公司控股的大型企业。

    China Communications Services in Shanghai was founded by China Communications Services Limited by Share Ltd wholly owned independent Incorporated Company , the parent company is a large enterprise group holding company of China telecom .

  10. 新闻集团目前拥有付费电视运营商英国天空广播公司39%的股份,处于实际控股地位;但是,分析人士和投资者均认为,全资收购天空广播对新闻集团来说至关重要。

    News Corp. [ NWS ] , which currently owns a 39 % stake in BSkyB , already controls the pay television broadcaster ; but analysts and investors felt that it was important for News Corp. to acquire the rest of the company for several reasons .

  11. 然而,新闻集团的COO(首席运营官)切丝·凯里则忙于整理混乱的持股,获利出售一部分新闻集团占少数股权公司的股份,同时收购一些股份以实现占大股份公司的全部控股。

    However , Chase Carey , the group 's chief operating officer , has been busy trying to sort out its tangle of holdings , selling some of its minority stakes at a profit and buying full control of other holdings .

  12. 在合并后的联合控股公司中,德意志交易所的股东将持有约60%的股份,纽约证交所-泛欧交易所的股东持有约40%的股份。该联合控股公司的总部将设在荷兰。

    A deal would see Deutsche B ö rse shareholders holding about 60 per cent , and NYSE Euronext shareholders approximately 40 per cent of the equity of a combined holding company , based in the Netherlands .