- 名intestinal tract disease;upset

Gastroenterologists throughout the world will no doubt thank Emmanuel Ben-Soussan and Michel Antonietti for recommending ways that they can minimize patient ' gas explosions while the docs perform colonoscopies .
A dozen patients remained hospitalized on Thursday , three in critical condition , Dr. Michael P. Manns , chairman of the department of gastroenterology , hepatology and endocrinology at Hanover Medical School , said in an email .
Methods The patient with liver cirrhosis 50 case , the control group was composed of 38 case including no intestine and liver disease at the same time in hospital , Hp-lgG and blood ammonia were measured by ELISA and blood ammonia appearance respectively .
Price , a specialist in gastroenterology , says the high fibre intake could exacerbate IBS .
One in three children in Europe between the ages of six and nine are either overweight or obese , according to a report commissioned by United European Gastroenterology .
The AMA decided it was a disease in 2013 and the FDA , American College of Gastroenterology and the American Heart Association , amongst others , all agree .
Symptoms had resolved by4 weeks in all of the patients except one in the fluticasone group , the authors report in the February issue of Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology .
Just days after her birth , she underwent a major operation for a rare bowel condition and now faces what could be months in hospital , with many painful procedures .
Those who smoke and drink heavily may develop pancreatic cancer at an earlier age than those who don 't , according to a study published Monday in the American Journal of Gastroenterology .
Thus , the diseases such as high blood pressure , high blood sugar , high blood lipid , fat , computer radiation , illness about intestinal and stomach , are bothering many people .
There 's a stomach bug going round .