
dù qí
  • navel;belly button;umbilicus
肚脐 [dù qí]
  • [belly button;navel] 肚子中间脐带脱落的地方

肚脐[dù qí]
  1. 她身穿一件格子衬衫,衣角在肚脐上方打了个结。

    She wore a checked shirt tied in a knot above the navel .

  2. 嗯,LISA是你的那个在肚脐上穿洞的朋友吗?

    Is Lisa your friend with the pierced navel ?

  3. 28岁的萨迪·卡德莱茨(SadieKadlec)是时装品牌保罗·史密斯(PaulSmith)的助理职员。她很喜欢该品牌的挂脖系带式条纹泳衣,前胸开叉至肚脐。

    Sadie Kadlec , 28 , an assistant for the fashion brand Paul Smith , is favoring the company 's striped , belted halter maillot that plunges to the navel ;

  4. 不管是卡芬(Carven)带有贴袋的冰沙色紧身装、斯特拉•麦卡特尼(StellaMcCartney)优雅自然的提花丝绸装,还是圣罗兰超瘦版晚礼服,所配裤子都是下抵脚踝,上过肚脐。

    From sorbet-coloured skinnies with patch pockets at Carven to fluid jacquard silks at Stella McCartney and the skinniest of Saint Laurent tuxedos , the trousers were ankle-skimming and soared up above the navel .

  5. 他把他的皱边一直拉到肚脐上。

    He pulled out his frill as far as his navel .

  6. 穿洞的耳朵,鼻子,肚脐,眉毛。

    Pierced ears , nose , navel , eye brows .

  7. 低头,视线注视肚脐部位,保持10-15秒。

    Hang your head and watch your belly button for 10-15 seconds .

  8. 你非常渴望借室友的钻石肚脐饰品。

    You 're dying to borrow your roommate 's diamond belly ring .

  9. 以前是啃噬痛而且只有在肚脐上方。

    The pain was gnawing and only above my navel .

  10. 没过一会儿,我感到他又在戳我的肚脐!

    Thirty seconds later , I feel him poking my belly again !

  11. 很少人会选手肘或者肚脐眼儿。

    Few of us will pick our elbows or bellybuttons .

  12. 脐部围绕肚脐的腹部部位。

    The region of the abdomen surrounding the navel .

  13. 在肚脐的左面。

    It was to the left of his navel .

  14. 我肚脐眼里嵌进了一点绒毛。

    I 've got a bit of lint stuck in my belly button .

  15. 肚脐发红的情况在剖腹手术后逐渐消失。

    The redness of umbilicus diminished gradually after laparotomy .

  16. 拉着肚脐向内及向上靠近下肋。

    Pull belly button in and upward under ribs .

  17. 一分钟不到,我感觉到他的小手指在戳我的肚脐,我轻轻拿开他的收,让他赶紧睡觉。

    A minute later I feel his little fingers poking my belly button .

  18. 将一个手指放在肚脐上

    Place one of your fingers on your belly button

  19. 和鲮从它的肚脐眼以下。

    And scaies which begin above her navei .

  20. 你能通过肚脐眼挑战吗?

    Can YOU pass the belly button challenge ?

  21. 你的肚脐像一个圆形的高脚杯。

    Thy navel is like a round goblet .

  22. 但是我们要保持肚脐的可见。

    But we absolutely must maintain navel visibility .

  23. 两指宽的肚脐以下的骨头,它与耻骨。

    Two finger widths below the belly button , between it and the pubic bone .

  24. 这便医治你的肚脐,滋润你的百骨。

    This will give strength to your flesh , and new life to your bones .

  25. 反之,肚脐位置低,躯干长,游泳就快。

    While a lower navel means a longer torso which makes for a better swimmer .

  26. 这些牛仔裤的目的是炫耀的肚脐和穿透它。

    These jeans are designed to flaunt the belly button and the piercing in it .

  27. 他太胖了,他的肚脐比他先到家15分钟。

    He is so fat , his navel gets home 15 minutes before he does .

  28. 肚脐要接收,倒转,取回流出的东西;

    The navel shall receive , invert , and take back what 'd issued forth ;

  29. 她的肚脐从来就没有被挡住过。

    Her bellybutton has never been covered .

  30. 在她肚脐那里刺了一双翅膀,真的很酷喔。

    It 's a pair of wings around her belly button . It 's really cool .