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  • Xiao Yang;【人名】Yang Xiao
  1. 2005年,王太利遇到了肖央,二人也就开始了合作。

    In 2005 Wang met Xiao and the two have worked together ever since .

  2. 肖央表示,我们所要表现的主题很庞大,我们想要展现的是这个时代的精神。

    The subject we were given is huge , to show the mentality of this era .

  3. 但肖央觉得画画没有什么意义,与生活毫无关系。

    But Xiao said he felt drawing was meaningless and had no relationship to people ` s lives .

  4. 在电影里,肖央饰演一位喜爱唱歌的婚庆司仪,而他现实生活中的合作伙伴王太利则扮演了一位热爱舞蹈的理发师。

    In the movie , Xiao plays a wedding party host who loves singing , while his real life business partner Wang Taili plays a hairdresser who loves dancing .

  5. 筷子兄弟成员肖央和王太利在他们的新电影《老男孩之猛龙过江》饰演了一个中年演唱组合。

    Chopsticks Brothers - - which consistsof director Xiao Yang and musician Wang Taili - played a middle-aged singingduo in the film Old Boys : The Way ofthe Dragon .

  6. 而此时,在河北承德出生长大的肖央,正就读于北京中央美术学院附中。

    At this time , Xiao , born and raised in Chengde , Hebei province , was still at the middle school affiliated to China Academy of Art in Beijing .

  7. 筷子兄弟由导演肖央和音乐人王太利组成。他们在电影《老男孩猛龙过江》中扮演中年歌唱组合。

    Chopsticks Brothers which consists of director Xiao Yang and musician Wang Taili - played a middle-aged singing duo in the film Old Boys : The Way of the Dragon .

  8. 出生于瑞士的韩裔女演员李成敏(更为人熟知的是其艺名克拉拉),在这部中国电影中扮演女神,其他主演还有肖央、小沈阳及闫妮。

    Swiss-born South Korean actress Lee Sung-min , better known by her stage name Clara , stars as the goddess in the Chinese film starring Xiao Yang , Xiao Shenyang and Yan Ni .

  9. 故事讲述的是刘德华饰演的无情杀手和肖央饰演的龙套演员不小心交换了身份,导致了一系列奇怪的情况。

    The story follows a ruthless killer , played by Andy Lau , and an extra actor , played by Xiao Yang , who accidently exchange identities , leading to a series of strange circumstances .

  10. 资深喜剧演员肖央在电影中扮演这位丈夫。在谈到自己的角色时他说到:“许多人也许经历过这样进退两难的境地,是出轨还是跟随自己的心走。这部电影并不会对此做出评价,主要是呈现出人们内心的纠结。”

    Speaking about his role , Xiao , an established comedian who plays the husband , says : " Many people may have experienced a similar dilemma : Whether to be unfaithful , or to follow their hearts . The movie doesn 't judge , but examines the human struggle . "