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ròu shēn
  • body;the human body
肉身 [ròu shēn]
  • [body] 佛教术语。指肉体

  • 耶稣基督肉身走在人们中间

肉身[ròu shēn]
  1. G.在这一严重的时刻,正和东方神话中的那个国王相似,上半是肉身,下半是石体。

    G & , at this solemn moment , resembled the king in that tale of the Orient who was flesh above and marble below .

  2. 无论是身体上的政治刻画,还是肉身上的消费符码均无一例外地将肉身拔扯到与logos或物平齐的位置。

    Regardless of political sculpturing or consumer codes physically , they without exception pull the mortal body to the position of logos .

  3. 他谈到了自己与他称之为INSPECS(能物种)善良的非肉身实体的接触。

    He spoke of his contacts with benevolent non-physical entities whom he called INSPECS ( Intelligent Species ) .

  4. 死者与生者的差别只在于:他们永远(yongyuan)处于潜意识状态,因为肉身的头脑已不再存在。

    The dead differ from the living only in this respect : they are in a permanently subconscious state because the conscious mind of the physical body no longer exists .

  5. 亚他拿修在之前的supr。§4和《关于亚里米嫩和西流加两个大会》§13。曾提及,优西比乌表示亚流甚至否认我们的主在祂道成肉身前是存在的。

    Athanasius alludes to the early part of the clause , supr . § 4.and de Syn . § 13.where he says , that Eusebius implied that the Arians denied even our Lord 's existence before His incarnation .

  6. 他现在完全恢复了肉身的感觉。

    He was now in full possession of his physical senses .

  7. 我们经历过的,肉身的生命有一天会过去。

    The physical life as weve experienced it will pass away .

  8. 祂是佛经里说的“我”,而肉身是佛经里说的“无我”。

    The Qi is'ego'in sutra and the flesh body is'non-ego ' .

  9. 耶稣,救我脱离灵魂和肉身的疾患。

    Jesus , deliver me from sickness of soul and body !

  10. 但他也只是肉身,我说进攻!

    But he still bleeds red , and I say attack !

  11. 你们认为任何人格都必须以肉身形式显现。

    You suppose that any personality must appear in physical terms .

  12. 我们的生命是由自性与肉身等组合而成。

    Our lives are the combination of self-nature and flesh body .

  13. 你们按肉身而判断;我却不判断什么人。

    Ye judge after the flesh ; I judge no man .

  14. 因为只有当他的肉身不在。

    And because it is only in his physical absence .

  15. 她的力量不是来自她的肉身。

    And her strength doesn 't even come from her own body .

  16. 残雪小说中的疼痛则是为了唤醒沉重的肉身。

    Pain is for waking up the heavy mortal body .

  17. 猛犸标本的表皮和肉身都保存完好。

    The skin and flesh of those dug up are well preserved .

  18. 与肉身的必死相比,精神的灭亡更具毁灭性。

    Compared to human mortality , spiritual deadness is much more devastating .

  19. 肉身里也有阿赖耶识,也有种子。

    Store consciousness exists in flesh body , it has seed too .

  20. 话语卫生学与丁玲的女性肉身叙事

    Hygiene of Discourse and Dingling 's Narration of Female Body

  21. 它通过自己独特的肉身化思维,把整个世界人化。

    It humanizes the whole world through it 's own specific thinking .

  22. 她那世人的肉身禁不住炽热的神光。

    Her mortal frame could not endure the splendors of the immortal radiance .

  23. 你再也回不到你的肉身里去了。

    You 're not getting back in your body .

  24. 你之所以在这个肉身里,是因为你选择了要来到这里。

    You Are Here in This Body Because You Chose to Be Here .

  25. 传承与传承人论研究表明,肉身长、肋骨数和皮肤厚度呈典型的传遗中间型。

    Body length , rib number and skin thickness behaved as intermediate inheritance .

  26. 必须改变这一局面,使老衰的肉身开始不断返回,直至完全恢复青春活力。

    So people should chang this situation to keep themselves young and energetic .

  27. 蜕变后的新地球容许我们带着目前的肉身存在吗?

    Does the transition to the new Earth exclude our current physical bodies ?

  28. 岁月磨蚀肉身,却光亮了心灵。

    Age wears the flesh but galvanizes the soul .

  29. 上帝道成肉身的结果,绝不是要制造一种毫无特色、四不像的产品。

    God 's Incarnation did not result in a nondescript , androgynous robot .

  30. 肉身人偶认同死亡并继续活下去。

    But dolls in flesh and blood live knowing death is a given .