
jù néng xiào yìng
  • Mohaupt effect
聚能效应[jù néng xiào yìng]
  1. 聚能效应切割钢筋混凝土井壁

    Explosive Cutting of Reinforced Concrete Shaft Wall by Shaped Charge Effect

  2. 浅谈聚能效应在消除残眼中的应用

    The application of cumulative effect for avoiding defective hole

  3. 利用聚能效应原理加工制成的聚能药包在爆破工程中的应用,称聚能爆破。

    The application of shaped charge for concentrating energy in engineering blasting is called cumulative blasting .

  4. 几何相似律在聚能效应工程应用中的若干问题聚能射流在侵彻过程中侧向失稳问题

    Some problems about the law of similitude in the engineering application of jet produced by shaped charge

  5. 这反映了超声场“聚能效应”的强化作用。

    It means there exists the intensifying effect of " spot energy effect " under ultrasonic condition .

  6. 超声场聚能效应的研究&超声场对氢键缔合的负载固定相解吸平衡的影响

    Study on the spot energy effect of ultrasound & Influence of ultrasound on desorption equilibrium for hydrogen association system

  7. 指出聚能效应在我国特殊油气藏的开发中,作为预处理技术,将发挥巨大作用。

    As a technology of pretreatment , the accumulated energy effect will play a great role in the exploitation of special oil - gas reservoirs .

  8. 为了了解切缝药包聚能效应的机理,用动态光弹性法对切缝药包的聚能效应进行了试验,获得了切缝药包爆炸过程中的序列等差条纹图。

    The experiment was conducted for cumulative effectiveness of slit charge based on dynamic photoelasticity method , and the isochromatic fringes graphs in the process of blasting of slit charge were obtained .

  9. 根据固液体系的超声波空化引起的表面效应、聚能效应、湍动效应和微扰效应,对超声波强化液固传质的机理作了初步探讨。

    According to the characteristics of ultrasonic cavitation in solid-liquid system resulting surface , energy , turbulent and micro-disturbing effects , the mechanism of ultrasound to intensify mass transfer process was analyzed .

  10. 本文在理论分析与试验的基础上指出几何模拟律在聚能效应工程应用中存在一些问题。

    On the basis of theoretical analysis and experiments . some problems about the law of similitude in the engineering application of jet produced by shaped charge are pointed out in this paper .

  11. 聚能破甲效应(二)聚能破甲技术和理论的近期发展

    Shaped charge and its penetration (ⅱ) recent developement of shaped charge technology and theory

  12. 文中根据对线型聚能装药效应的分析研究,提出了新的聚能装药预裂切缝方法及其机理,并指出了其发展前景。

    Based on a study and analysis of the effect of linear shaped charge , the paper sets forth the new method and the mechanism on presplitting cutting slots by linear shaped charge , pointing out the potential prospects of its development .

  13. 石油聚能射孔是指射孔弹利用聚能效应,形成射流并侵彻油层,因为其具有施工快速、技术成熟、价格低廉、作业高效等特点,在石油开采中占据主要地位。

    Shaped charge perforation , which has advantages such as rapid construction , mature technology , low cost , high efficiency , etc. , means jet is formed due to the gathering energy effect of the perforator .