
jù zhònɡ rǎo luàn ɡōnɡ ɡònɡ chǎng suǒ zhì xù zuì
  • crime of assembling a crowd to disturb order at public places
  1. 我国1979年刑法对于聚众扰乱公共场所秩序、交通秩序罪进行了明确规定,但理论界关于这一罪名的探讨只是停留在对于罪名的简单描述上。

    Our Criminal Law in 1979 for organizing a mob to disturb public order , traffic order crime are specified , but the theory discussion about this crime just stay as a brief description for charges .

  2. 本文从分析聚众扰乱公共场所秩序、交通秩序罪的概念入手,对聚众扰乱公共场所秩序、交通秩序罪的一些基本问题展开深入探讨,以其对这一罪有一个全面和科学的认识。

    Based on the analysis of the concept of organizing a mob to disturb public order , traffic order crime , we discussed some basic issues on gathered to disturb the public places order , traffic order crime so to have a comprehensive and scientific knowledge .