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pìn rèn
  • appointment;engage;appoint to a position;recruitment through invitation
聘任 [pìn rèn]
  • [engage] 聘请任职

聘任[pìn rèn]
  1. 确保聘任标准执行的延续性与稳定性;

    Guarantee to engage continuity and stability that the standard carries out ;

  2. 答:为了确保公平、公正,该规定中首次提出了试行聘任制实行回避制度。

    Answer : To ensure fair , just , try out appoint to a position put forward to make first in this regulation implement evasive system .

  3. 他们决定在某些关键职位上聘任外来人员。

    They have decided to hire outsiders for some of the key positions .

  4. 4.Joboffer工作聘任,聘任书A:你拿到多少工作聘任书了?

    A : How many job offers have you got ?

  5. B:只有两个,不像你,聘任书排长队了。

    B : I got only two offers . Not like you , offers are lining up .

  6. 本文基于胜任力理论,对XX高校辅导员现状进行研究,构建胜任力模型,并将胜任力模型应用于该高校辅导员的聘任、培训和激励。

    This thesis studies the recent situation of certain college counselors to build Competence-based model by using Competence-based theory .

  7. 雅虎(Yahoo)周一宣布聘任玛丽莎•梅耶尔为新一任掌门人,这对硅谷而言是一个强烈的信号。

    The announcement Monday that Yahoo ( yhoo ) selected Marissa Mayer as its new chief is a great signal for Silicon Valley .

  8. 政府部门应通过实行会计师事务所定期聘任制度、审计业务与咨询业务不兼容的规定保证CPA审计独立性。

    Government departments should ensure the independence of CPA audit through sessional appointment in CPA firms and the provision on which audit operations and consultancy services are incompatible .

  9. 学校董事会将考虑聘任新校长。

    The school board will consider applications for the new principal .

  10. 专业技术职务聘任定量考评系统的研制

    The investigation of a quantitative assessing system for professional technical post

  11. 浅谈教师聘任合同的订立、解除与终止

    On the Formation , Discharge and Termination of Teachers ' Contract

  12. 实施岗位控制,深化高校聘任制改革

    Implementing Post Control and Deepening Reform of Engaging System in Universities

  13. 巴利是这家地方报纸最新聘任的新闻记者。

    Barry is the new news hawk at the local newspaper .

  14. 建立合理的高校人员聘任制度;

    The establishment university human capital participates in the drive mechanism ;

  15. 即岗位聘任制,业绩考核制和工作激励制。

    Namely engaging system , performance system and bestirring work system .

  16. 论大学教师聘任制改革中的科学管理

    On the scientific management in the reform of faculty employment-appointment system

  17. 论高校聘任教师的权益保护

    On the Protection of the College Teacher 's Rights and Interests

  18. 他对自己被聘任为高级讲师感到十分高兴。

    He was very pleased with his appointment as senior lecturer .

  19. 聘任制下的体育教师教学与科研工作现状分析

    Appointment under the management of sports teaching and research work status

  20. 受聘人将按为期一年之非公务员合约条款聘任。

    Successful candidates will be appointed on one-year-non-civil service contract terms .

  21. 理论视域与实践视域中教师聘任制的法律问题

    The Legal Problems of Teachers-engagement System in Theory and in Practice

  22. 强化竞争机制,完善教师聘任制度;

    Strengthening competition system , and competing teachers ' appointment system ;

  23. 美国大学教师终身聘任制的走向

    Reform Trends of Tenure System in American Colleges and Universities

  24. 应制定切实有效的按位定则的聘任制度。

    We should formulate effective according to a rule of appointment system .

  25. 聘任协议是否根据标准条款拟定?

    Is the commission agreement based on standard contract terms ?

  26. 大学教师聘任的国际比较

    The International Comparison of the System of University Teacher Recruitment

  27. 关于企业专业技术职务聘任的思考

    Practice and Consideration of Professional Post Appointment in Auto Enterprises

  28. 高校教师职务聘任制:问题与对策

    The Teacher 's Post by Appointment : Problems and Measures

  29. 论教师聘任制与人本管理思想的结合

    The combination of teacher recruitment and appointment system and human-oriented management theories

  30. 试论聘任制领导生长模式及其在我国的实践

    Mode of Development of Leader Appointment and the Practice Thereof in China