
  1. 我本科学习的是环境学专业,无论在理论知识掌握,还是在州际和联邦法律学习方面都打下了坚实的基础。

    In preparation for this work , my undergraduate degree in environmental studies has provided me with a solid foundation in both the sciences and state and federal environmental policy .

  2. 英联邦大学国外学习协议

    Commonwealth Universities Study Abroad Consortium

  3. 联邦政府在学习障碍上的扶持资金数量引起人们对残疾文化的深入反思,这种残疾文化被认为是鼓励学生关注自己的弱点,而不是优点。

    The federal government 's investment in learning disabilities aroused people 's deep reflection on disabled culture which encourages students to pay attention to their disadvantages rather than their advantages .