
lián kǎo
  • Joint examination;jointly-given entrance exam
  1. 4.give放弃(提姆考大学联考三次都失败后就放弃了。)

    After Tim failed the Joint College Entrance Exam three times he gave up .

  2. 什么了,你做你的,因为联考?

    What have you been doing since your entrance exams ?

  3. 他花了一年准备大学联考。

    He spent one year bone up for the university entrance examination .

  4. 当他联考不及格时,他绝望了。

    He was in black despair when he failed in the joint examination .

  5. 那麽你是大学联考落榜罗,不过不只是你一个人。

    So you failed the college entrance exam . you 've plenty of company .

  6. 我要联考,我要熬夜。

    I have to take the entrance exam . I must stay up late .

  7. 和其也国家形成对比的是,在美国并没有全国性的大学联考。

    In contrast to other countries , the U.S has no national college entrance exam .

  8. 但是作为一种探索中的新鲜事物,高校联考也存缺点。

    However , as a fresh thing in probation , shortcomings also exist in the universities'liankao .

  9. 第二部分提出构建我国高等院校招生联考模式。

    The second part of the proposal of building a model of higher education admission exam .

  10. 考法律联考,对于法律专业的人员,比较好。

    Take an examination of legal couplet , to the personnel of legal major , better .

  11. 我们今天有个针对全州联考的模考

    Well , we were supposed to have a practice test on the statewide exam today .

  12. 我是台湾的高中生,我将要参加大学联考。

    I am a high school student in Taiwan and going to take the entrance examination for college .

  13. 四是四级联考制度存在不合理,用人单位无自主权。

    Fourth , the " four exam " system is unreasonable , the employer have no autonomy . 4 .

  14. 但是我一直在努力用功,使我的英文提高些,以使通过大学联考。

    But I have been doing my best to improve my English in order to pass the college entrance examination .

  15. 我们准备高中联考一起经常讨论我们的教训,作为我们当时正在研究在放学后。

    We prepared for the high school entrance examination together and often discussed our lessons as we were studying after school .

  16. 那时我还认真想过(都大三了),要不要休学重考联考进艺术学院的。

    At that time I even thought about suspending my study ( I was already a Junior then ) to retake entrance exam for art college .

  17. 联考虽然是公平的竞争,可是社会上过分重视一次考试的结果,带来不少问题。

    Although the entrance exams are a competitive fair , but society pays too much attention to the exam , bringing about not just a few problems .

  18. 用一个更现实的不雅概念来说,英文是年夜学课程中最主要的必修科目,也是高中联考中最主要的。

    From a more practical point of view , armed English is one of the most important required subjects for the university and high school entrance exam .

  19. 安:我第一次大学联考成绩差到我还得去补习班补习一年,来年重考。

    Ann : My first college entrance exam score was so low that I had to study at a cram school for a year and retake it .

  20. 2002年,台湾地区全面实行大学多元入学方案,代替了联考长达近半个世纪的统治地位。

    In 2002 , the implementation of the multiple college entrance examination project in Taiwan , China announced the end of half century 's reign of uniform exam system .

  21. 印度,斋浦尔(路透社)-一位七十三岁印度农民曾发誓在通过高中联考之前不结婚,这次他第三十八次失败。

    JAIPUR , India ( Reuters ) - A73-year-old Indian farmer who vowed not to marry before passing his high school exams has failed to get through for the38th time .

  22. 因其与数十万人攸关,大学联考自实施起便备受各界的重视与讨论。

    Due to its close link to hundreds of thousands of people , joint college entrance exam attracted great attention and discussion from all walks of life since its implementation .

  23. 考察了台湾的大学联考自1954年至2001年的发展演变过程,围绕考试方式、考试内容与科目、招生方式、招生机构等方面深入分析联考的发展变化。

    Chapter two reviews the history and evolvement of the Joint College Entrance Examination ( 1954-2001 ), which focus on the examination methods , examination subjects and contents , admission system , admission agencies .

  24. 第三章探讨《中国论坛》知识分子群为建立开放、健全社会提出的改革联考的目的与原则,介绍分析他们改革联考的各种方案。

    Chapter three explores the purpose and principles of the proposal by the intellectuals of " China Forum " to make the joint examination reform so as to establish an open and sound society , and introduces the various reform solutions .

  25. 正文分为三个部分:第一部分对中外招生联考模式进行阐述,并从形成背景、招考目标、招考过程、招考方式和组织管理五个方面对各种模式进行比较分析。

    Text is divided into three parts : the first parts of the foreign recruitment exam mode described , and from the formation of the background , recruitment goals , recruitment process , recruitment and organizational management of five comparative analysis of various models .

  26. 第三部分对策建议,在上述分析与探讨的基础上,对我国高校建立高水平大学联考提出一些改革对策和建议,以期为有关部门提供参考。

    The third part of the measures proposed in the above analysis and discussion based on the level of university entrance examinations of universities to set up the reform measures and proposals put forward in order to provide a reference for the relevant departments .