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  • 网络association chapter of song
  1. 从词史意义上讲,赵令的《商调蝶恋花》使联章体词功能和面貌焕然一新。

    As regard to the historical significance of ci , his piece of work & Shang Diao Die Lian Hua takes a totally new look .

  2. 一是从宏观角度总结两宋联章对唐五代联章的传播与接受。

    On the other hand , Summarize the communication and reception of the Chapter-after-chapter Style in Ci-poetry of the Song Dynasty of Tang and Five Dynasty from a macro perspective .

  3. 在此条件下,宫词创作数量高达八百多首,采用大型七绝联章组诗形式,包含相当大的信息量。

    Under this condition , the amount of palace poems created at that time was up to more than 800 , mostly adopting the form of large-scale seven-syllable poems and containing a considerable amount of information .

  4. 高教授曾获多个奖项,包括在1990年获颁美国科罗拉多州工程师联会金章。

    Professor Ko has received numerous awards over the years , including the prestigious Colorado Engineering Council gold medal in1990 .