
  • 网络association;association method
  1. 词汇测试:词语联想法

    Vocabulary Test : A Word Association Approach

  2. 体育教学模式的创造性方法主要有比较法、联想法、嫁接法、逆向思想法、前因后果法等。

    The important creative methods in P > E > teaching modes are as the following : Comparison , Association , Graft , Reversing thinking , Causes and Effects , etc.

  3. 我们试用“影像联想法”

    Let 's try visual , all right ?

  4. 另外,信息应当为尽可能接近的联想法。

    Also , the message should be as close to the recognizable act as possible .

  5. 释义时应采用联想法不同情况下建立不同的关联矩阵,以准确判断实际场景状况;

    Different association matrix in different condition is used to estimate the actual scene states accurately .

  6. 联想法和上下文法是比较有效的两种词汇记忆方法。

    Applying images and Placing words into context are considered to be two efficient memory strategies .

  7. 有些技巧可以助考生事半功倍,比如联想法、串联法等。

    Some techniques can help candidates more efficiently , such as the association method , series method .

  8. 大力倡导联想法;

    Advocating association method ;

  9. 现在很多教育者开始把联想法应用到教学中,从而提高学生的创造思维能力。

    Many educators have tried to apply associational psychology to education , mainly to the education of creativity .

  10. 联想法在历史教学中的应用十分普遍,特别是在历史复习课中显得更为重要。

    Imagination is very commonly used in historical teaching , especially in course of historical revision , it becomes more important .

  11. 测验后用SPSS13.0进行数据收集和分析,结果表明拆词联想法对中国大学生的短时和长时记忆都有帮助。

    After the experiment , data are collected and analyzed with the assistance of SPSS 13.0 . The results indicate that SAM improves short-term memory and long-term memory .

  12. 针对中国大学生,作者整合了编码策略中主要几类方法,并采纳了学生和教师日常使用的方法,提出了拆词联想法。

    The author combines some of the coding strategies and some methods applied by students in their daily learning , and gets Split-Association Method ( SAM ) for Chinese college students .

  13. 运用字词联想法对大学生爱情和友谊概念表征的异同进行了初步探究。

    The researchers had the subjects make free associations after presenting the stimulus words " love " and " friendship " separately , so as to collect data on the basis of word association .

  14. 采用修订的威廉斯创造性思维量表筛选出创造力水平低和创造力水平高的两组儿童,随机分配到头脑风暴法训练组、强制联想法训练组和控制组,分别进行5周的创造力训练。

    Adopted Williams Creativity Assessment Pocket-R ( CAP-R ), children with higher creativity level and lower creativity level were selected and assigned to one of 3 different conditions : brainstorming training , forced relation training and a control group .

  15. 总体而言,英语专业研究生能够积极运用原有知识储备以及现有资源去学习词汇,并且能够自如运用语境法、构词法和联想法等策略去提高词汇学习效率。

    Generally speaking , English postgraduates tend to learn vocabulary initiatively through making use of their original knowledge reserve and accessible resources , and they are able to flexibly apply memory strategies such as context , association and word-formation method .

  16. 阐述了如何在实际教学中运用语音法、构词法、阅读法、听写法、联想法等五种有效的词汇教学方法来指导学生尽快地扩大词汇量。

    This essay clarifies how to apply the five effective vocabulary teaching methods , ( phonetics methods , word-formation methods , reading methods , dictation methods , association methods ) to guide them to develop a large vocabulary rapidly and effectively .

  17. 《大学英语》课后单词的学习方法即:查词典,分析词的结构,完成有关练习,用联想法等方法记忆单词。

    The way of learning new words and expressions in College English , looking words up in dictionary , analyzing the word building , finishing the exercises on new words , and remembering the new words by the way of associative storage and repetitive storage .

  18. 本文探讨了在小语教学中教师如何利用涵咏法、联想法、比较法和扩大课外阅读量等方法引导学生在阅读教学中发现美以及在作文教学中实现审美迁移的有效方法。

    This text probes into among primary school Chinese teaching , how the teachers utilize methods of declamation , associating , comparison and expanding outside reading etc. , lead students to find beauty and realizing the aesthetic valid method that moves in composition teaching in reading teaching .

  19. 人工神经元网络在DSS中的双向联想记忆法

    The Artificial Neural Network Bidirectional Associative Memory Used in DSS

  20. 利用Android的空白历史,HTC设计了多种特色服务,包括中英文联想输入法,以及显示结果覆盖电子邮件、文本信息和联系人名单的搜索服务。

    It took advantage of Android 's clean slate to design features such as predictive typing in Chinese and English and searches that show results across emails , text messages and contact lists .

  21. 联想教学法的内涵与功能

    The Intention and Function of Associating Method

  22. 本文介绍了神经元网络用于控制系统故障诊断的双向联想记忆法。

    In this paper , the bidirectional associative memory algorithm and its application to fault diagnosis are presented .

  23. 首先简单介绍英语词汇发展以及教学的现状,提出相关理论依据确保联想记忆法的可信度,在第四,五部分进行数据收集,并采取了社会科学统计软件把原始数据进行定量分析,并得出结论。

    First of all , the development of English vocabulary and the current state of teaching are briefly stated .

  24. 本文较为详细地探讨了神经网络双向联想记忆法在机械系统故障诊断中的应用。

    This paper studies in details the application of the bidirectional associative memory method to the fault diagnosis of mechanical system .

  25. 根据现代认知心理学的理论,通过组块联想记忆法进行英语词汇教学可以有效提高学生的词汇应用能力。

    In the light of the theory of contemporary cognitive psychology , teaching English vocabulary by means of vocabulary chunk association can improve students ' vocabulary competence .

  26. 应用联想教学法可以提高学生的英语学习兴趣,扩大他们的文化等背景知识,并且有助于提高他们的创造力。

    It is assumed that the adoption of this approach will arouse students ' interest in English , enlarge their scope of background knowledge , and help them develop their creativity .

  27. 通过实验,74名在校的大学新生接受了本次调查,对大学英语精读第一册的前5单元的单词进行了测试,目的在于在实践中验证联想记忆法的有效性。

    An experimental study is designed to testify the effect of association on memorizing English words by testing 74 freshmen the words in the first five units of college English course New Horizon English Book One .

  28. 四是针对小学生的年龄特点和语文学科的学科特点传授了常规的学习方法:分类记忆法、短时记忆法、口袋记忆法、表格记忆法、错题记录法、联想记忆法。

    Finally , impart the conventional ways of learning aiming at the age characteristics of pupils and the discipline characteristics of Chinese : Classification memory method , short-term memory method , pocket memory method , table memory method , wrong topic memory method and associative memory method .

  29. 基于顾客的品牌权益测评:品牌联想结构分析法

    Measurement of Customer-Based Brand Equity : A Brand Association Structure Approach

  30. 大学英语六字联想式教学法研究

    On methodology of college English teaching by six-way associations