
  1. 在演讲中,王源对2016年10月联合国在中国推出的“畅想2030”行动的成就进行了概述,该行动吸引青年人关注联合国的可持续发展目标。

    During his address , the teenage singer gave an overview of the achievements of the ' Imagine 2030 ' campaign , launched by the UN System in China in October 2016 to draw young people 's attention to the UN 's Sustainable and Development Goals .

  2. 本次为期五天的联合国海洋大会由斐济和瑞典担任联合主席国,旨在逆转不断恶化的全球海洋健康状况,同时呼吁各国支持施行联合国可持续发展目标第14条:保护并可持续利用大洋、海域以及海洋资源,以获得持续发展。

    Co-chaired by Fiji and Sweden , the five-day UN Ocean Conference aims to reverse the decline in the health of the world 's oceans , and urges support for the implementation of UN Sustainable Development Goal 14 : Conserve and sustainably use the oceans , seas and marine resources for sustainable development .