
  1. 行政立法是行政机关的重要职能,行政机关所制定的行政法规、规章等是当代中国法律体系的重要组成部分。

    The administrative legalization is an important function of administrative organ .

  2. 公诉裁量权作为承担公诉职能的检察机关的一项重要权力,在现今刑事司法活动中愈加显示出重要的作用。

    Public prosecution jurisdiction is responsible for prosecuting functions of Prosecutor in the criminal justice activities in one of the major powers .

  3. 人民法院作为我国身负审判职能的司法机关,在推进社会管理创新中必然要发挥愈来愈重要的作用。

    As the judicial authorities with the trial function , the people courts are bound to play an increasingly important role in promoting social management innovation .

  4. 改革开放以来,我国的劳动监察制度是在摸着石头过河的前提下不断进步的,体制建设很不健全,行使劳动监察职能的行政机关也比较分散。

    Since reform and opening up , labor supervision system has improved by feeling the rock across the river , but system construction is distemperedness as well as administrative agency exercising labor supervision power is relatively dispersed yet .

  5. 由于成文法具有一定的缺陷,故而法律需要通过解释才能对现实发生作用,这种解释法律的职能往往为司法机关所承担。

    On account of the defects of statute law , a law needs interpretation when it is to act on the reality .

  6. 法院作为担负特殊职能的国家审判机关,是社会正义的守护者,也是排解社会矛盾纠纷的最后一道防线。

    Courts as judicial organs with special duties are guardians of social justice and the last line of defense of disputes resolution .

  7. 政府职能是国家行政机关根据经济建设和社会发展的需要,在行使行政权力的过程中所承担的职责和功能。

    Government function is the needs that national executive authority develops according to economic construction and society , is exercising administrative right ,, the duty that undertaken in course and function .

  8. 刑事诉讼职能是国家专门机关和诉讼参与人为实现参加诉讼的目的和承担的任务而在刑事诉讼中进行活动所应发挥的作用和功能。

    Criminal suit function refers to the role and function that the national special organs and the people who involved in the suit , should play to accomplish their purpose and take their task .

  9. 政府职能,指行政机关在一定时期内,根据国家、社会发展的需要,依法对国家社会生活诸领域所进行的管理活动。

    The function of government is a kind of management toward national and social these fields . According to the development of nation and social , it carries on management in the accordance with the law during a specified period .

  10. 建议将法院承担的审查和执行职能分开,审查职能继续由法院承担,执行职能回归行政机关;

    The article suggests the Court 's examination function separated from its execution function : the examination function still taken by the Court , and the execution function returned to the administrative organ .