
  • 网络Career List;Migration Occupations in Demand List
  1. 政府用更具有针对性的职业清单替换掉现行移民职业清单(SOL),是为了更好地满足澳大利亚经济中长期发展对技术人才的需求。

    The government is replacing the current Skilled Occupation List ( SOL ) with a more targeted list of occupations to better meet the medium and long-term future skill needs of the Australian economy .

  2. 不用,新的移民职业清单到2010年年中才生效。

    No , as the new SOL does not commence until mid-2010 .

  3. 为什么澳大利亚政府决定更改现行移民职业清单?

    Q1 Why has the Australian Government decided to change the Skilled Occupation List ?

  4. 自我评估工具是据你对一系列问题的答案产生最适合的职业清单。

    Self assessment tools are used to generate a list of occupations that are deemed appropriate based on your answers to series of questions .

  5. 新的移民职业清单更具有针对性,目的就是为了满足澳大利亚经济中长期发展的需求。

    The new SOL will have a more targeted list of occupations designed to meet the medium to long-term needs of the Australian economy .

  6. 我应该从最佳职业清单上选择职业虽然那些清单通常基于数据,但事情总是变化的。

    I should choose a career from a Best Careers list While the lists are often based on valid data , sometimes things change .

  7. 单单一本关于暑期实习的小册子,或者一份备选的职业道路清单,你无法找到自己的激情所在。

    One can 't find one 's passions in a booklet on summer internships or a list of possible career paths .

  8. 以下列举了一些你可以从学徒入门的职业,这份清单显示了这样的职业选择颇多

    The following list of careers you can get into through apprenticeship displays the great variety of choices available

  9. 姓氏或精英职业的历史清单可能是不完整的,尤其它们主要是父系数据。

    Historical lists of surnames or elite jobs can be patchy , particularly since they are dominated by the paternal line .

  10. 拉杰目前工作很不开心,所以他的同事让他列一个人职业发展的目标清单,来帮他激发工作积极性。

    Raj is very unhappy at work at the moment , so his colleague told him to make a list of personal goals for professional development to help motivate him .

  11. 如果申请人的提名职业不在新的移民职业清单上,那么是否还能获得州或领地政府的提名?

    Q10 Will state and territory governments be able to nominate applicants if their nominated occupation is not on the new SOL ?

  12. 根据一般技术移民计划,留学生的提名技术职业在必须新的移民职业清单上,否则他们不能移民澳大利亚。

    International students will be unable to migrate to Australia under the GSM program unless their nominated skilled occupation is on the new SOL .

  13. 我打算在毕业后就递交一般技术移民签证申请,但是我不确定我的职业是否在新的移民职业清单上。

    Q8 I intend to lodge an application for GSM once I complete my studies but I am not sure if my occupation will be on the new SOL .

  14. 哪一些职业将会出现在新的移民职业清单上?

    Q3 Which occupations are going to be listed on the new SOL ?

  15. 接受。如果技术评估的职业列在将于2010年年中生效的新的移民职业清单上,那么你就不需要再通过适工计划了。

    Yes , provided the skills assessment is for an occupation that is on the new SOL which will start in mid-2010 , and you are not required to complete the Job Ready Program .