
  • 网络career growth;career development
  1. 浅论教师的反思与其职业成长

    Brief Discussion on the Teachers ' Reflection and Their Career Development

  2. 本文第七部分在树立科学职业成功观的基础上,从职业成长期和职业发展期两个方面对可雇佣能力的不同开发主体提出了相应的建议。

    Part seven is about policy suggestions . This dissertation establish on the basis of the concept of scientific career success , and makes some policy suggestions to responsibility subjects about two different stages from career growth and career development . 8 .

  3. 如今她回到了英国,晋升为伊夫圣罗兰美妆(YvesSaintLaurentBeauté,简称YSL)英国和爱尔兰的市场总监,回顾在巴黎的那两年,她觉得那段经历对她的职业成长产生了深远影响。

    Now back in the UK following a promotion to marketing director of Yves Saint Laurent Beaut é , UK & Ireland , she looks back on her two years in Paris as formative .

  4. 职业成长对员工承诺与离职的作用机理研究

    The Impact Mechanism of Career Growth on Employees ' Commitment and Turnover

  5. 员工职业成长的结构及其对离职倾向的影响

    The Structure of Career Growth and Its Impact on Employees ' Turnover Intention

  6. 独居成为他们花时间增进个人和职业成长的方式。

    They use it as a way to invest time in their personal and professional growth .

  7. 对我国企业员工职业成长问题进行深入分析,并探讨了职业成长对离职倾向的影响作用。

    The paper studies the problem of employee career growth and its impact on employees'turnover intention .

  8. 社会发展与教师职业成长需要教师不断自我更新。

    Both the development of society and the professional growing in education need teachers to improve themselves continuously .

  9. 知识型员工开始注重自身的职业成长,而且离职动机变得多样、离职意愿更加强烈。

    Knowledge employees began to focus on their own career growth , and their turnover intention becomes stronger with diverse motivations .

  10. 然后,分别研究销售人员在不同的客户关系质量和业绩强度下,内职业成长与外职业成长对销售人员离职倾向的影响。

    Then , respectively research the relationship between inside and outside professional growth and the staff turnover intention under different client relationship .

  11. 集群企业员工更加关注自身的职业成长,而且工作流动日趋频繁。

    The employees in the industrial clusters are paying more attention to their own career growth , and changing jobs more frequently .

  12. 知识型员工希望自己能够在组织中获得职业成长的机会,而组织则希望拥有高承诺的知识型员工。

    Knowledge employees expect to obtain more career growth opportunities , while the organization hopes to receive a high commitment from its knowledge employees .

  13. 教师的职业成长是高等职业教育发展的重要因素,它需要内在因素和外在影响来共同促进。

    Teachers of career growth in higher vocational education are important factors for the development , which required internal factors and external influence to work together to promote .

  14. 另外,年轻的独居者积极地将独居重新定义为卓越和成功的标志。独居成为他们花时间增进个人和职业成长的方式。

    In addition , young solitaires actively reframe living alone as a mark of distinction and success . They use it as a way to invest time in their personal and professional growth .

  15. 通过项目分析、探索性因素分析等方法筛选确定正式量表,运用验证性因素分析验证了职业成长的四维结构模型。

    The formal scale was constructed through the research methods of the items analysis , exploratory factor test and so forth . Confirmatory factor analysis approach was conducted to verify the four-dimensional structure model of career growth .

  16. 但个人和职业成长道路上的大多数机会都是新的经历带来的,希望升到下一个级别的人必须经常性地强迫自己冒险,让自己处于不安定的状态。

    But it is new experiences that provide the most opportunity for personal and professional growth , and those looking to reach the next level must push themselves to take risks and be uncomfortable on a regular basis .

  17. 第1章主要交代了研究的背景、研究意义、研究范围、研究方法、研究框架和主要创新点,同时对知识员工、职业成长、职业停滞等几个基本概念进行了界定和说明。

    In chapter 1 , it outlined research background , significance , scope , method , framework and innovation points . Meanwhile , it defined and elaborated several basic concepts such as knowledge worker , career growth and career stagnation .

  18. 当前的雇员更关注个人的职业成长生涯和个人价值的体现,流动性倾向和独立思考的意识较强,对人力资源管理与开发带来全新的挑战。

    Current employees more concerned about his personal career growth , pay attention to feelings and personal values embodied , tend to flow and strong sense of independent thinking . It brings new challenges to human resources management and development .

  19. 导师是在你了解不深的领域能够教你的人,他们在你的职业成长过程中亲身提供专业支持(你也应该为他们和其他人提供类似的支持)。

    Mentors are people who can coach you in areas where you don 't have deep knowledge . They provide professional and personal support as you develop your career ( and you , in turn , should seek to provide similar support to them and others ) .

  20. 简论我国职业经理成长的制约因素

    On Limitation Factors to the Growth of Chinese Professional Managers

  21. 我国职业经理人成长的心理分析

    Psycho-analysis of the Growth of Professional Executives

  22. 阿尔诺也表示赞同:在接下来的几天,设计师们将会与助力其职业生涯成长的人见面。

    Ms Arnault agreed . The designers will meet people over the next couple of days who will help them in their career .

  23. 你每天起床的动力不光是钱,还有激情。事实上,你盼望着新任务,你将它们看做自己在职业中成长、学习的方式。

    Money isn 't the sole driver of getting you out of bed in the morning , passion is , and you actually look forward to new assignments as a way to grow and learn at your career .

  24. 中国职业足球俱乐部成长与运动项目管理体制的完善

    Development of Chinese professional football clubs and perfection of sports event management system

  25. 国有企业与职业足球俱乐部成长

    Development of State-owned Enterprises and Professional Soccer Clubs

  26. 职业型企业家成长论

    The profession type enterpriser 's growth

  27. 第二部分信用缺失:中国职业经理人阶层成长环境分析。

    Part 2 titled as the disappearance of credit : The environmental analysis that China 's professional manager 's stratum grows up .

  28. 十余年的高等职业教育快速成长期促使整个社会越来越多地聚焦这类教育的人才培养目标及其教学质量问题。

    More than ten years of rapid growth of higher vocational education to make the whole society becomes more and more focused objective of such education , training and teaching quality .

  29. 由于各种环境的不健全、不完善以及现有培养模式的缺陷、价值评价体系的缺失,严重限制了我国职业经理人的成长与发展。

    Because of the environment of sound and perfect training mode , as well as the existing shortcomings , the value of the missing evaluation system severely limits our professional managers to the growth and development .

  30. 和其他人联络起来,对于职业发展和内在成长都是很有益的。

    It 's both career enriching and soul-filling to really get to connect with people .