- 网络career counselor;vocational counselor

They relied heavily on the advice of their professional advisers
Seek the advice of mentors7 , career counsellors or friends and family .
The biggest secret in career development is that you can get a job with any major , according to Donald Asher , career consultant and author of " How To Get Any Job With Any Major "( Ten Speed Press ) .
What are some career consulters suggesting in terms of what you should do ?
Officer Come in , please take a seat . I 'm the careers officer . You 're Cathy , aren 't you ?
Career counselor Cui Shuang said it takes at least two years for a person to gather adequate working experience at a job .
Wise career counsellors should treat such tests with caution , using them as only one of many ways of exploring who you are .
Career consultants advise job seekers to do research online about the average salary range in a specific sector and a company 's level within the industry .
Career coaches and employees who have been there say the first priority should be conveying that you are still working hard -- and good at your job .
That 's why it 's important to have your act together ," says Bettina Seidman . " A career coach can help you do it right the first time .
New York-based career adviser Jonscott Turco says jeans are generally a " no-brainer " in the media , manufacturing and creative industries , but not in financial services and law firms .
Debra Davenport ( Executive Professional Mentor , Licensed Career Counselor & Employment Agent ) gives expert video advice on : How do I handle the end of the interview ?