
  • yale;Yale University;New Haven;New Haven, CT
  1. 我第一次开始研究人类动机的基础——以及人们如何在受挫后坚持下去——那是在20世纪60年代,我还是耶鲁大学的一名心理学研究生的时候。

    I first began to investigate the basis of human motivation -- and how people persevere after setbacks -- as a psychology graduate student at Yale University in the 1960s .

  2. 这些投资者包括香港的企业大亨、新加坡政府基金和耶鲁大学(YaleUniversity)。

    These include Hong Kong tycoons , Singapore government funds and Yale University .

  3. 他曾在耶鲁大学学习政治学和经济学。

    He studied politics and economics at Yale .

  4. 她在耶鲁大学。

    She 's at Yale .

  5. 这两个耶鲁大学57届毕业生每次同学聚会都参加。

    These two members of Yale 's Class of ' 57 never miss a reunion .

  6. 他的新发现给耶鲁大学的科学研究增光添彩。

    His new discovery adds fame to science at yale .

  7. 耶鲁大学第一代毕业生克里斯蒂安·巴斯克斯也是个例外,他的成功故事使他与Nijay等学生完全不同。

    Christian Vazquez , a first-generation Yale graduate , is another exception , his success story setting him far apart from students such as Nijay .

  8. 耶鲁大学和斯坦福大学医学院目前都开设了以iPad为基础的无纸化课程。

    Medical schools at Yale and Stanford now have paperless , iPad-based curriculums .

  9. 在哈佛考试作弊丑闻之后,耶鲁大学的前教导主仼玛丽·米勒对她学校的教授们进行了饱含激情的呼吁,呼吁他们不要课下考试。

    Following the Harvard scandal , Mary Miller , the former dean of students at Yale , made an impassioned appeal to her school 's professors to refrain from take-hone exams .

  10. 那时很少有人上大学,但诺亚非常喜欢学习,以至于他的父母让他上了康涅狄格州唯一的大学耶鲁大学。

    Few people went to college at that time , but Noah loved so much to learn that his parents let him go to Yale , Connecticut 's only college .

  11. 语言学硕士,耶鲁大学的退学者,空间系统处的金发男孩(b爱德华·克莱因)

    Master linguist , Yale dropout and fair - haired boy of the OSS ( bEdward Klein )

  12. 她把自己的事业成功归功于耶鲁大学管理学院(yaleschoolofmanagement)灌输给她的价值观。

    She credits her professional success to the values instilled in her at the Yale School of management .

  13. 无需赘言的是,斯科特是耶鲁大学(YaleUniversity)斯特林讲座政治学教授。

    Needless to say , Scott is the Sterling Professor of political science at Yale .

  14. 莫斯塔沙瑞从哈佛大学公共卫生学院(HarvardSchoolofPublicHealth)流行病学专业毕业,后来又进入耶鲁大学(Yale)医学院深造。

    He graduated as an epidemiologist from the Harvard School of public health , then medical school at Yale .

  15. 研究团队还包括来自丹麦伦德贝克基金会(LundbeckFoundation,研究的资助方)和耶鲁大学(Yale)儿童研究中心(ChildStudyCenter)的研究人员。

    They included researchers from the Lundbeck Foundation in Denmark , which funded the research , and the Child Study Center at Yale .

  16. 她在在取得耶鲁大学MBA学位之前是在加州大学学习。

    She studied at Cal State before earning an MBA from Yale University .

  17. 与会者包括来自耶鲁大学(YaleUniversity)的优生运动历史学家丹尼尔•凯夫利斯(DanielKevles)。

    Among those attending was Yale University 's Daniel Kevles , a historian of the eugenics movement .

  18. 耶鲁大学的研究人员在查看了几千名自闭症儿童的DNA后于近期得出的新发现也进一步证实了上述说法。

    Yale researchers added to this thinking with new findings presented last week in which they looked at the DNA of several thousand children with autism .

  19. 大卫·布莱特(DavidBlight)是耶鲁大学历史学家,也是一名美国内战研究专家。

    David Blight is a historian at Yale University in Connecticut and an expert on the Civil War .

  20. 毕竟,那时距离卡莱纳从耶鲁大学(YaleUniversity)毕业,拿到历史学学士学位,已经有将近4年的时间了。

    After all , it had been nearly four years since Kleiner graduated from Yale University with an undergraduate degree in history .

  21. 美国PrincetonReview在2006把耶鲁大学在全美最难进的大学里排第二。

    U.S.Princeton Review in2006 at Yale University in the United States into the most difficult of the University ranked second .

  22. 对于这份提交给美国政府的设计方案,耶鲁大学教授只给了B的成绩。但政府委员会却认为她的设计令人耳目一新,可谓匠心独具。

    The design she submitted to the US government was given a B by her Yale professor , but the government committee saw her design as refreshingly creative and unique .

  23. 波尔德科罗拉多大学副教授LawrenceWilliams(公共卫生博士),以及耶鲁大学心理学教授JohnA。

    Lawrence Williams , PhD , assistant professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder , and John A.

  24. 去年12月,耶鲁大学法学院(YaleLawSchool)发表了一份研究报告称,在回应他们调查的学生中,有70%受到心理健康问题的影响。

    In December , Yale Law School released a study that said 70 percent of students there who responded to a survey were affected by mental health issues .

  25. 利奥·达姆罗施(LeoDamrosch),《不朽的日出:威廉·布莱克的虚构世界》(Eternity’sSunrise:TheImaginativeWorldofWilliamBlake,耶鲁大学出版社[YaleUniversityPress])

    Leo Damrosch , " Eternity 's Sunrise : The Imaginative World of William Blake " ( Yale University Press )

  26. 本书是根据比格斯收藏的一本关于对冲基金界的杂志写成的。比格斯于1955年离开耶鲁大学(YaleUniversity),获得了文学创作的学位。

    It is based on a journal about the hedge fund world kept by Biggs who left Yale University in 1955 with a degree in creative writing .

  27. 他后来前往美国耶鲁大学管理学院(YaleSchoolofManagement)留学,1992年毕业后成为最早在华尔街工作的中国内地人之一。

    He ended up in the US at Yale School of Management and , after graduating in 1992 , became one of the first people from mainland China to work on Wall Street .

  28. 本文作者CharlesPerrow是耶鲁大学社会学名誉教授,《下一场灾难》(TheNextCatastrophe)一书的作者。

    Charles Perrow , emeritus professor of sociology , Yale University , is the author of the next catastrophe .

  29. 这篇研究文章的第一作者亚当·切克劳德是一名首席科学家,也是纽约精神健康创业公司SpringHealth的联合创始人,还是耶鲁大学精神病学的助理教授。

    Adam Chekroud , the senior author on the study , is a chief scientist and co-founder of Spring Health , a New York City-based mental-health startup , and an assistant professor of psychiatry at Yale University .

  30. 后来,一个包括耶鲁大学(YaleUniversity)的丹•卡亨(DanKahan)在内的小组进行了一项调查,调查人员向学生们展示了一段游行的视频片段,并且编造了一些有关这次游行的说法。

    A more recent investigation by a team including Dan Kahan of Yale showed students footage of a demonstration and spun a yarn about what it was about .