
ěr mài
  • headset;earphone
  1. 这种配对是指建立一种信任关系,使耳麦与PC共享一个密钥。

    This pairing refers to the establishment of a trusted relationship whereby a secret passkey is shared by the headset and the PC.

  2. 可以使用Testaudiolocally功能来确认蓝牙耳麦在LotusSametime客户机上是否正常工作。

    You can use the Test audio locally facility to make sure your Bluetooth headset is working properly with the Lotus Sametime client .

  3. 我们还将展示如何配置LotusSametimeConnectV7.5,以便使用蓝牙耳麦适配器。

    We also show you how you can configure Lotus Sametime Connect V7.5 to use a Bluetooth headset adapter .

  4. 取决于蓝牙耳麦的有效范围,您在使用LotusSametime和远方的联系人进行语音聊天时,可以随意走动。

    Depending upon the range of your Bluetooth headset , you can walk around while voice chatting with your contacts across the world using Lotus Sametime .

  5. 现在,您已经成功地将笔记本电脑与蓝牙耳麦配对,接下来就是教会LotusSametime客户机使用蓝牙耳麦,而不是它通常使用的声卡。

    Now that you have successfully paired your laptop to your Bluetooth headset , it is time to teach your Lotus Sametime client to use the Bluetooth headset rather than the sound card it normally uses .

  6. 一旦执行之后,新版ITA将大幅降低关税,使得逾250个种类的高科技产品从无线耳麦到新型半导体和医疗设备能够自由贸易。

    Once implemented the ITA update will substantially lower tariffs and liberalise the trade in more than 250 categories of high-tech products ranging from wireless headsets to new semiconductors and medical devices .

  7. 据你的报告,她接通了助手的耳麦

    your report said she called up to the assistant 's com

  8. 我希望你能买付新的耳麦。

    I think you should consider buying a new pair of mircophone .

  9. 他们通过自己的耳麦听到讲师的声音。

    So that they can hear her over their headsets .

  10. 耳麦套件提供高度舒适性及非常轻的重量。

    Max offers high comfort and low weight .

  11. 我从耳麦里听见的

    I was listening in over the com .

  12. 您还没有耳麦,您的电话,电脑或游戏部门?

    You still don 't have a headset for your phone , computer or game unit ?

  13. 请参考蓝牙耳麦的手册,找到这个密钥。

    Refer to your Bluetooth headset â™ s manual to find the passkey for your headset .

  14. 用户使用耳机和耳麦来获得私人的声音体验,并解放双手。

    Users plug in headsets and headphones to hear sounds privately and to free their hands .

  15. 那么,你可以戴上耳麦,调到最能提高你效率的音乐,然后再专心工作。

    Put on the headphones , tune into your most productive music and concentrate on your task .

  16. 很多用户还没有意识到,这些蓝牙适配器可以与蓝牙耳麦一起使用。

    Many users do not realize that these Bluetooth adapters can be used with a Bluetooth headset .

  17. 对商用话务耳麦的采购选择,各组建呼叫中心的企业也越发谨慎。

    The company that built call-center system has been become more cautious with the commercial traffic headset purchasing .

  18. 可是还是愿意戴着耳麦,音量开到听不到任何其他的声音,远离那个世界。

    But still willing to wearing earphones , volume open to hear any other sounds , away from the world .

  19. 让人物通过扩音器或耳麦说话的工作由制作器负责。

    The job of getting a character to say something through the loudspeakers or headphones is given to the producer .

  20. 这种大尺寸的包耳式蓝牙耳机能有效地隔绝噪音,并且还能作为打电话用的耳麦。

    The full-size , around-ear Bluetooth headphones feature active noise cancellation and double as a headset for making phone calls .

  21. 作为呼叫中心系统重要硬件组成部分的商用话务耳麦,也越来越受到用户重视。

    As the call-center system hardware components , the commercial traffic headset has been paid attention more and more by some enterprises .

  22. 通过使用蓝牙耳麦,驾驶员可以用双手专心操纵方向盘,而不必受耳麦线的干扰。

    Using a Bluetooth headset , a driver can keep his or her hands on the steering wheel without getting tangled in wires .

  23. 现在的足球比赛中,裁判耳麦、电子边旗、任意球测量仪等技术已经得到应用。

    Now the football game , the referee headset , electronic edge flag , free kick measuring devices suchas technology has been applied .

  24. 当用户拔出耳机或耳麦时,他们不希望应用程序继续播放并与其他人分享正在听的内容。

    When users unplug a headset or headphones , they don 't want to automatically share what they 've been listening to with others .

  25. 耳麦处都配有软垫,能够阻挡外部噪音。先进的防噪音技术能够使您与音乐零距离接触。

    Cushioned ear pads block out most external noise , and active noise-canceling technology scrubs out anything else that could get between you and a good audiobook .

  26. 如果你有一个小的独立工作间,那就戴上你的耳麦:戴着它就不太会有人找你聊天。

    If you work in a cubicle , wear headphones : having them on makes it less likely that people will try to strike up a conversation .

  27. 一位名为颜庆的受访者表示,他曾购买了一部虚拟现实耳麦,但是实际使用效果并没有之前预想那样强大。

    Yan Qing , a respondent in the survey , said he bought a VR headset but found the technology not as powerful as he had imagined .

  28. 取决于使用的蓝牙耳麦和适配器的类型,无线连接的范围可以从1米到100米。

    Depending upon the type of Bluetooth headset and adapter you have , the range of your wireless connection can be from one meter to up to100 meters .

  29. 但是,如果您日常使用的电话有一个蓝牙耳麦,那么除此之外不用携带任何东西。

    On the other hand , if you have a Bluetooth headset for your phone , one that you already use regularly , then you have nothing more to carry around .

  30. 人们使用无线耳机和耳麦的原因与使用有线的相同:希望获得私人的声音体验,并解放双手。

    People use wireless headsets and headphones for the same reasons they use wired headsets and headphones : they want to hear sounds privately and they want to free their hands .