
lóu dǒu cài
  • garden columbine;columbine
耧斗菜[lóu dǒu cài]
  1. 耧斗菜愈伤组织和不定芽诱导的初步研究

    Research on Regeneration of Callus and Adventitious Bud of Aquilegia vulgaris

  2. 耧斗菜属的一种长有不规则花距鲜艳花朵的植物;分布于北温带特别是高山地区。

    A plant of the genus Aquilegia having irregular showy spurred flowers ; north temperate regions especially mountains .

  3. 因此,她就一心采集紫罗兰和木莲花,以及她发现长在一块高大石头的缝隙中的一些腥红的耧斗菜。

    She set herself , therefore , to gathering violets and wood - anemones , and some scarlet columbines that she found growing in the crevices of a high rock .

  4. 而为了让它们高兴,珠儿也就摘了几朵紫罗兰、银莲花和耧斗菜,以及一些从老树上垂到她眼前的翠绿的嫩枝。

    - and , to please them , Pearl gathered the violets , and anemones , and columbines , and some twigs of the freshest green , which the old trees held down before her eyes .

  5. 忍冬、杨莓、紫草、耧斗菜、法国万寿菊、非洲万寿菊、结果实的樱桃树、醋栗、结果实的无花果树、蔗莓、葡萄花、熏衣草、开白花的香兰、百合草、铃兰、苹果花。

    columbine ; the French marigold , flos Africanus ; cherry-tree in fruit ; ribes ; figs in fruit ; rasps ; vineflowers ; lavender in flowers ; the sweet satyrian , with the white flower ;

  6. 耧斗菜属植物柱头式样特殊,其柱头位置并不局限于花柱顶端,而是沿花柱腹缝线向基部延伸。

    Main results are as the following : 1 . Characters of stigma in the genus of Aquilegia are unusual . The stigma is not confined to the tip of the style but extensive down the style base along ventral slit .

  7. 当大家在花店为爷爷的葬礼选择葬花时,我悄悄地离开来到爷爷的花园。走在花园里,回忆着那些耧斗菜和美洲石竹,现在只有熏衣草和白色夹竹桃在开花,另一个角落里还开放着一些满天星。

    As we were choosing flowers from the florist for Grandpa 's funeral , I slipped away to Grandpa 's garden and walked with my memories of columbine and Sweet William . Only the tall lavender and white phlox were in bloom now , and some baby 's breath in another corner .
