
hào cái
  • consumable material
  • consume material
  1. 介绍了ERP管理软件的特点和医院应用ERP管理软件进行医用耗材管理的实践情况。

    ERP management software and the practice with it in managing medical consumable material in the hospital are introduced .

  2. 高值医用耗材管理与使用目录编码分析

    Management of high value medical consumable material and analysis of application catalog code

  3. 《意见》指出,在定点零售药店购买药品、医疗器械、医用耗材发生的由个人负担的费用也可由职工个人医保账户支付。

    Their expenses incurred stores can also be covered , the guideline said .

  4. 如磁盘、打印机墨盒之类的电脑耗材

    computer consumables such as disks and printer cartridges

  5. CT球管是昂贵的高值耗材,球管更换经费占据CT运转成本中的较大部分。

    Due to computed tomography tube is an expensive and consumable material , the tube replacing expense takes up a larger part of CT operation costs .

  6. 不但生产自有品牌的全系列打印机耗材,还大量为客户OEM色带、墨盒、硒鼓等产品。

    We not only produce full series printer consumables in our brand but also the OEM order are also warmly welcome .

  7. 现主要产品有:无油隔膜真空泵、不锈钢多联过滤器、溶剂过滤器、氮气吹干仪、柱温箱及HPLC相关的耗材配件等系列产品。

    The products range from diaphragm vacuume pump , vacuume manifolds filtration system , filter holder , pressured gas blowing concentrator , column oven , HPLC accessories and so on .

  8. 深圳市吉美电子设备有限公司是一家专业生产自动点胶机和点胶耗材的厂家,并为多家知名品牌做OEM。

    Is a professional manufacturer of automatic dispensing and dispensing supplies manufacturers , as well as several well-known brand to do OEM .

  9. 耗材免费送货上门。4、代理联想、DELL、HP、华硕等品牌机及笔记本,免费售后服务中心!

    Consumables for free home delivery . 4 , agent Lenovo , DELL , HP , Asus and other brand-name computers and laptops , free after-sales service center !

  10. 本文介绍了五年来ISO9001质量管理体系在我院医用耗材采购过程中的应用和体会。

    Describes our application and experiences of using ISO9001 to do the purchase of medical disposable materials in the past five years .

  11. 结合热源模型建立了摩擦堆焊工艺参数匹配因数nF(耗材转速与焊敷压力之代数乘积)与摩擦预热时间tp的函数关系。

    On the basis of heat source model , the functional relationship between match factor of process parameters ( product of rotation speed and force ) and preheating time was established .

  12. 由于系统基于B/S结构设计,从而实现了信息共享和功能调用,简化了办公过程,节省了办公时间,提高了工作效率,真正实现了实验室耗材管理的信息化。

    Due to the system based on B / S structure design , thus realizing the information sharing and function invocation , simplify the process of office , save time , improve the office work efficiency , and truly realize the laboratory consumables management informationization .

  13. 关于节省电机冲片耗材的方案比较APET片材的挤出加工

    Material Saving of Laminated - sheet in Punching Process Extrusion of APET Sheet

  14. 在全面分析了当前腹腔镜手术耗材面临的竞争现状及未来发展趋势和Covidien公司LA产品现行策略的基础上,提出了基于4Ps的营销策略构想和建议,也为未来腹腔镜手术耗材生产企业提供参考。

    And based on the competition situation and current marketing strategy , the suggestion and future advices are also presented considering the 4Ps . It will be a good reference for the enterprises of the laparoscopic products manufactory .

  15. 结论VATS在胸外科有广阔的发展空间,一次性耗材价格昂贵限制其临床应用,腔镜下缝合技术或打结技术的应用比较适合目前的国情,节省医疗费用。

    Conclusions Broad prospects exists in the clinical application of VATS , but the costs of the disposable is subject to reduce . The application of suture or knotting under thoracoscope may save medical costs .

  16. 结果:两组并发症及不良反应发生率差异有显著性(P005),两组耗时、耗材差异有高度显著性(P001)。

    Result : There were significant differences in complication and side reaction incidence ( P0.05 ), used time and material show significant difference ( P0.01 ) .

  17. 2006(中部)国际现代办公设备及耗材展览会

    2006 ( Central ) International Modern office equipment & technological Expo

  18. 医疗设备及耗材的计划及审批管理

    Plan , examination and approval of medical equipment and consumptive materials

  19. 佛山地区医用耗材配送中心信息系统的研究

    The Research of the Iatric Material Distribution Information System in Foshan

  20. 浅谈医院医疗耗材管理的现状与对策

    Analysis on Present Situation and Countermeasures in Management of Medical Consumables

  21. 探讨信息化医院医用耗材管理的方法

    Discussion the Management Method of medically material in the Informative hospital

  22. 实行医用耗材集中招标采购的体会

    Suggestion on the procurement of medical consumables implemented with centralized biding

  23. 高值医用耗材产品条码可追溯性调查分析

    Investigation on Traceability of Product Barcodes for High Value Medical Consumables

  24. 医学实验教学中心实验耗材库存管理工作的实践与探讨

    Discussion on management of experiment material inventory of medical experimental teaching center

  25. 用科学的物流管理模式控制医疗耗材的支出

    To control medical materials disbursement with scientific logistics management pattern

  26. 耗材摩擦焊敷工艺原理及试验研究

    Study on the Process Principle and Technology of the Consumable Friction Welding

  27. 采用科学降噪方法实现变压器耗材的节省

    Saving of Transformer Material with Scientific Method for Noise Reduction

  28. 高值医用耗材招标采购对使用心脏起搏器患者的医药费用的影响分析

    Analysis of Medical Expense Burden for Patients with Pacemaker Artificial

  29. 医疗机构如何规范医用耗材供应质量管理

    How to standardize the quality management of medical disposable materials

  30. 医院医用耗材管理信息系统的设计和研究

    Design and Research of Hospital Medical Supplies Management Information System