
  • 网络setback-resistance
  1. 目标三:在CCDRR项目中提升儿童参与意识,提升儿童在应对灾害时的耐挫力、自信度和团队精神。

    Objective Three : to improve children 's consciousness of participation in the CCDRR project , and help build their resilience , confidence and team spirit in disaster response .

  2. 大学生体育活动与耐挫力的关系研究

    Research on Physical Activities Participation and Frustration Ability of College Students

  3. 磨练学生的耐挫力;

    Third , strengthen students ' ability to bear frustration ;

  4. 这也就对他们的心理耐挫力提出了更高的要求。

    This also makes higher demands of their psychological endurance .

  5. 这些都表明,目前在校大学生对挫折的承受力,也即心理耐挫力状况是非常令人担忧的。

    These problems show us that University students ' endurance capability against frustration is worrying .

  6. 而良好的心理耐挫力是心理健康的重要标准之一,也是个人生存与发展所必备的重要心理品质之一。

    While good endurance capability against frustration is one of important standards of psychology health .

  7. 此外,皮尔斯提出了自我负责、自我支持的概念,并强调遭受挫折的重要性,这对于我们当前家庭教育中存在的如何提高孩子的耐挫力问题有着重要的可借鉴之处。

    Our family education can learn much from his ideas about self-responsibility , self-support and frustration .

  8. 当代高校学生素质教育的过程中,耐挫力的培养和训练应是其中重要的组成部分。

    Cultivating and training college students ' setback-resistance should be an important part in quality education .

  9. 跆拳道运动对大学生的耐挫力水平有显著性的积极影响。

    Tae kwon do resistance exercises on college students ' frustration level has a significant positive impact .

  10. 他们的自我定位高,成才的愿望非常强烈,但他们的心理发展尚未完全成熟,心理耐挫力和适应能力相对较弱。

    But the development of their psychology is not mature and psychological endurance capability and accommodation ability is relatively feeble .

  11. 所谓耐挫力是指主体在耐挫过程中所表现出来的一种心力。

    And the so-called frustration endurance means that the main shows a mental and physical in the process of anti-frustration .

  12. 第三部分探索了对初中生心理耐挫力的教育与培养。

    In the third part , the author explores the way of educating and cultivating the students to be frustration resistant .

  13. 第四章结语部分对初中生心理耐挫力进行了总结,并阐述了本课题研究中存在的不足之处。

    In the fourth part , the author gives conclusion on the ability of fighting against frustration of junior middle school students , and discusses the deficiency of this paper .

  14. 因此,对大学生进行挫折教育应该以认知教育与耐挫力训练同步进行,避免不良应对,在了解其挫折心理形成原因的同时,利用心理防卫机制对学生进行心理调整和教育。

    So this kind of education must go hand in hand with cognitive education and resistant training against setback so as to avoid improper response , furthermore , adjust their psychology with the system of psychological defense when we perceive the cause of the setback .

  15. 在对初中生心理耐挫力现状进行了分析的同时,从学校、家庭、社会、初中生自身四个方面分析了影响初中生心理耐挫力的原因。

    In the meanwhile the author analyzes the condition of the ability of fighting against frustration , the author also analyses the factors that will affect the ability of fighting against frustration from the aspects of school , family , society and junior middle school students themselves .