
  • 网络Old Pier;old dock
  1. 老码头增设电吊的可行性论证

    Feasibility Demonstration on Adding Fixed Electric Hoists on an Old Dock

  2. 湛江港老码头乘潮卸船作业理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis of Unloading Operation by Tide for Old Quays in Zhanjiang Port

  3. 对老码头船舶撞击能量计算分析

    Analysis on the Impact Energy Calculation of the Vessel against the Old Wharf

  4. 满街破旧的房屋;破旧的篱笆;摇摇欲坠的老码头;摇摇欲坠的小木屋。

    A street of bedraggled tenements ; a broken-down fence ; a ramshackle old pier ; a tumble-down shack .

  5. 介绍老码头修复时,通过计算船舶对码头的撞击能量,提出护航的设计和使用措施。

    The paper describes it is necessary to calculate the impact energy of the vessel against the wharf before proposing the design of fender and measures of the use when renovating the old wharf .

  6. 提出了在港口建设中应尽量选择高效率的装卸系统,在老码头的改造中应首先考虑淘汰落后的装卸系统等具有指导意义的新观点。

    A new view with instructional meaning is pointed out that the cargo-handling technology having higher efficiency should be selected as soon as possible in port construction and the old handling system having lower efficiency should fall into disuse firstly in port reconstruction .

  7. 散步时,我们最喜欢去的地方是老凯勒码头,这是田纳西河边一个破败不堪的木制码头。南北战争期间,这里被当做运输军队的专用码头。

    Our favourite walk was to Keller 's Landing , an old tumbledown lumber-wharf on the Tennessee River , used during the Civil War to land soldiers .

  8. 下午3点钟,象往常一样,老霍克在码头兜售他的新鲜鲭鱼。

    As usual , 3 PM , old Hawk is selling his fresh mackerel fishes by the dock .

  9. 一个老水手坐在码头边,削着一只玩具小船。

    An old sailor sat on the dockside , whittling a toy boat .

  10. 我把他的船拖到码头,举起那条大而老的鲈鱼在码头上走着。“嘿,这些鱼都是你钓到的吗?”“不是,是它们自愿上钩的。”这样调侃的说话也是一种习惯。

    We pulled his boat into the dock , I lifted up this big old bass and this idiot on the dock goes , " Hey , you all catch all those fish ? " " No. Talked them into giving up . " Here 's your sign .