
lǎo zǐ
  • Laozi;I;Lao Zi;me;father
老子 [lǎo zi]
  • [Laozi] 中国春秋时思想家、道家学派创始人。一说老子即老聃,姓李名耳,字聃,楚国苦县(今河南鹿邑东)人。曾为周守藏室之史(管藏书的史官),后隐退著《老子》一书。他把宇宙万物的本体看做道,认为它是超越时空静止不动的实体,是产生整个物质世界的总根源。他在观察社会和自然变化时,又具有朴素的辩证法思想,认为一切事物都存在于正反两方面的对立之中,它们互相依存,互相转化。政治上他主张无为,企图缓和尖锐的社会矛盾,回到小国寡民的幻境之中。老子的思想在中国思想史上占有重要的地位

  • (1) [father]∶父亲

  • (2) [I;me]∶老年男子的自称。即老夫

  • 老子不吃你这一套

老子[lǎo zǐ]
老子[lǎo zi]
  1. 本书对《老子》的哲理颇多发明。

    This book does much to expound the philosophy of Lao zi .

  2. 从老子的道看美的本质

    Essence of Beauty In the Eye of Taoism of Lao zi

  3. 商容又点点头,然后张开口问道:“我的舌头还在吗?”老子说:“在”。

    Shang Rong nodded again , and opened his mouth and asked , " Is my tongue still there ? " " Yes " , Laizi repled .

  4. 答曰:“已归!”其怒吼:“让它接电话,老子迷路了!

    A member of his family answered : " It had . " The man roared : " Let it answer the telephone . I am lost ! "

  5. 商容点点头,又说经过高大的老树要小步快走,老子回答说:“你的意思是说一定要尊敬老人?”

    Shang Rong nodded and added that when he passed an old tall tree he should walk fast in small paces . Laozi said , " Do you mean we should respect seniors ? "

  6. 商容告诉他在经过故乡时要下车,老子问道:“这是不是表示不忘记故乡的人?”

    Shang Rong told him that when he passed his hometown he should get off the chariot . Laozi asked , " Is this meant to show that I have not forget about the people in the hometown ? "

  7. 兄弟二人研发了一款背景设定在古代中国的策略游戏,名为老子军团(LaoUnit)。

    The two developed a strategy game set in ancient China , which they called Lao Unit .

  8. 20世纪国内老子研究述评

    Review of the research on Laozi in the twentieth century China

  9. 老子的道论与生死观

    Laozi 's Tao Theory and His Outlook on Life and Death

  10. 老子见了厅级的都不怕!

    I 'm not even afraid of meeting the provincial rank !

  11. 《老子》被误解了两千多年,是中国文化史上的一大遗憾,发扬老子道德思想的光辉是时代所需。

    It was a great regret in the Chinese cultural history .

  12. 老子与亚里士多德的政治思想之比较

    A Comparison between the Political Thoughts of Lao Zi and Aristotle

  13. 治大国若烹小鲜。(这是老子说的,我又给翻回来了)

    Governing a large country is like frying a small fish .

  14. 略论老子圣人之德的理想人格

    Ideal Personality of " Wise Man 's Morality " by Laozi

  15. 老子与亚里士多德均为著名的思想家。

    Both Aristotle and Lao Zi are also the well-known thinkers .

  16. 穿上军装的时候,就不再是你老子的儿子!

    To wear uniforms , when I no longer your son !

  17. 论老子无为治国思想中的闪光点及其局限性

    Positive Points and Limitations in Laozi 's Concept of Inaction Government

  18. 老子哲学的丰富的辩证法思想的文化价值。

    Cultural value of the abundant dialectics thought of his philosophy .

  19. 相当多的学者对老子的哲学思想是持否定态度的。

    Many scholars hold a negative attitude towards the philosophy of Laozi .

  20. 老子的“道”是对“天道”加以进一步抽象所得。

    Laozi'dao is derived from the further interpretation of Way of Heaven .

  21. 老子与孔子哲学思维的性别解码

    Gender Decoding of the Philosophical Thoughts of Laozi and Confucius

  22. 老子哲学的结构性类比思维方式;

    Mode of thinking of structural analogy of his philosophy ;

  23. 老子是中国古代杰出的政治思想家和哲学家。

    Laozi is an outstanding political thinker and philosopher in ancient China .

  24. 从武术学角度看《老子》的守弱策略

    Keeping Weak Policy in Laozi from Viewpoint of Wushu Theory

  25. 《老子》的文体风格是长江文风形成的一个标志。

    The style of Laozi is a symbol of Yangtze literary style .

  26. 试论孔子的仁与老子的不仁

    Confucius ' benevolence in comparison with Lao Zi 's non-benevolence

  27. 真是准时,和你老子一样。

    Right on time , just like your old man .

  28. 关尹、老子是古代最伟大的思想家之一。

    Guang Yin and Laotse are one of the greatest ancient thinkers .

  29. 我们进去海扁你老子吧!

    Let 's go inside and beat up your father .

  30. 《道德经》为道教始祖老子唯一传世的著作。

    The tao-te handed down for the first Taoist books .