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  • rib;wing rib
翼肋[yì lèi]
  1. 最后,以飞机翼肋模型反求为例验证了所提方法的可行性。

    Finally , model reconstruction of a certain wing rib is provided to illustrate the validity of the proposed method .

  2. 这对于求解着于非顺气流方向的翼肋外形来说,尤其显得方便。

    This method looks especially convenient for solving the profile of the wing rib in any direction different from the airflow .

  3. 整体式机翼翼肋,由CNC数控机床整体冲压式的翼肋取代了8片组装式的肋骨。

    One piece wing ribs , stamped from CNC machined blanks have replaced the8 piece assembly .

  4. 仿真结果表明仿射型T-S模糊关联模型具有较好的逼近效果。随后,研究了非线性自适应翼肋的鲁棒控制问题。

    Simulation results show that the fuzzy model has good approximation performance . Next , the robust control of nonlinear adaptive ribs is studied .

  5. 基于T-S模糊理论,设计了自适应翼肋的模糊分散控制器;研究了模糊控制器的偏置项的设计方法,将仿射型T-S模糊模型变换为齐次型形式,以避免产生难于求解的双线性矩阵不等式。

    Based on T-S fuzzy theory , the decentralized fuzzy controller of adaptive ribs is designed . The bias term of fuzzy controller is designed to transform the affine T-S fuzzy model into homogeneous T-S fuzzy model , which avoids bilinear matrix inequalities .

  6. 基于柔性翼肋的变形机翼几何参数设计

    A Compliant Rib Based Morphing Wing Geometric Parameters Design

  7. 含三维接触问题的机翼下壁板翼肋对接孔结构断裂特性研究

    Aerofoil Sub-wainscot Wing-rib Join-hole Structure Fracture Characteristics Research Based on 3D Contact Problem

  8. 用参数化方法拟合翼肋形状,将分布参数模型转化为有限维模型。

    The airfoil is parameterized , and the distributed parameter model is transformed into a finite-dimensional model .

  9. 为验证该算法,给出了一个飞机水平安定面翼肋设计实例。

    To test this algorithm , one design example , one rib of an aircraft wing , is given .

  10. 新型翼肋精确的符合原有机翼外形要求,所以无论我们的预期还是测试都表明不会有什么性能上的变化。

    The new wing ribs are the exact profile of the previous wing , so no changes in performance were expected or detected .

  11. 整体铸造阀体翼肋,与管路轴线平行和垂直,增加了阀体强度,适用于高压环境、温和管道负载。

    Integrally cast body ribs , running parallel and perpendicular to the pipe axis , impart additional strength for high pressure conditions , thermal and pipe loads .

  12. 现代航空结构中采用了大量的复合材料层合板,如机身翼面上的肋腹板、长桁与肋之间的蒙皮等。

    A large number of composite laminates were used in modern aviation structure . The rib web of the plane wings , the skins between purlins and ribs , can be deal with as a composite material .