
According to functionalism , chapter 5 conducts comparative analyses on the influence of non-linguistic factors and their indications in the two Chinese translation versions of Moment in Peking .
Cohesive devices of English and Chinese : a comparison and translation
A Functionalist Approach to English Translation of Chinese Tour Guide Manuals
Review of Style Translation Studies of Traditional Translation Theories in China
The Translation of Public Speeches from the Theory of Equal Value Translation
The Theory of Translation Originated from the Philosophy of Language
Relevance Theory of Translation and Cross-Cultural Business Negotiation
Relevance-Theoretic Account of Translation ; Relevance Theory ; explanatory power ; translation studies ;
Interpretation of Hunan 's Flavor and Specialty From the Perspective of Functionalist Translation Theory
Adaptation Theory and Tourist Translation On the Treatment of the Cultural Differences in Tourist Translation
On Variation in Translation Teaching
The Artistic Conception Translation
Importance of Textual Awareness in the Process of Translation An Awareness of Cultural Difference in Foreign Languages Teaching
The differences between English and Chinese sentences and translation On the Restriction of the Grammaticality to the Information Redundancy in English Sentences
Purposeful Activity , Form and Function & A Comparative Study on Classical Chinese Poetry and its English Version from Perspective of Functionalism
The dispute of " spirit likeness " and " appearance likeness " in literature translation has been argued for a long time .
As an approach different from traditional equivalence theory , functionalist translation theory provides a new perspective for the researches of translating strategies in tourist publicity texts .
On Commonsense and Difference in Cognition Translation of Rhyme Beauty of classical Chinese Poems into English Ones On Commonsense of Recognition of Poetic Rhythm Beauty and Its Translation
Regardless of its shortcomings , the creative and open thinking in deconstruction theory broadens the view of translation and the trend of pluralism rises in the translation research .
Then the author turns to the theory of equivalence in translation , to persuade that translation equivalence is the best goal of translation and the realization of it is feasible .
Implicit information can be represented as semantics , pragmatics , and syntax , etc. The relevance-theoretic account of translation provides a new perspective to the analysis and treatment of implicit information .
This paper is a tentative development of classic markedness theory into pragmatic markedness hypothesis on the one hand , and Nida 's Dynamic / Functional Equivalent Translation into pragmatic-markedness equivalence hypothesis .
As a result , the appliance of the relevant theories of stylistic translation theories into the practices of children 's literature translation will become a new orientation in the field of children 's literature translation .
The meaning uncertainty of the deconstruction denies the author 's intention by sentencing him to death , whereas theories of translation indebted to deconstruction acclaim the birth of the translator at the cost of the author 's death .
Under such circumstances that German scholars put forward the functionalist approach to translation as a great breakthrough and an important complement to traditional theories . It has opened up a new perspective and become increasingly popular in the contemporary translation studies .
In the application of functionalism to the comparative study of the two Chinese translation versions , the author , in critical and objective attitude , tries to deep (?) n its positive contributions and reduce the negative effect caused by its limitation .
Starting from a functionalist approach , this thesis attempts to discuss the ways of processing the cultural information in translating the Chinese tour guide manuals by analyzing the characteristics of tour guide manuals and other materials and comparing the differences between Chinese and Western culture .
Cultural translation is dubbed the " Manipulation School ", which concentrates on describing and analyzing translations , comparing different translations of the same work and investigating the reception of translations . The theory belongs to literary-oriented school with the help of target-oriented approaches in translation studies .
The Ontological Studies of Translation from the Perspective of Relevance Theory
Functionalist skopos theory has contributed a lot to translation teaching .