
fān gòng
  • withdraw a confession;revoke verbal evidence;retract one's testimony
翻供 [fān gòng]
  • [withdraw a confession;retract one's testimony] 推翻自己所供认的话语

翻供[fān gòng]
  1. 当前,在查办贪污、贿赂、挪用公款等职务犯罪案件中,被告人翻供的情况比较突出。

    At present , in investigate and prosecute graft , corrupt , appropriating public funds this task sin cause , the circumstance of the appellee withdraw a confession is more outstanding .

  2. 他作了假供词,后来又翻供。

    He made a false confession which he later retracted .

  3. 已决事件和间接禁止翻供的事实恐怕也限制机关的自由裁量权。

    Res judicata and collateral estoppel may also limit an agency 's discretion .

  4. 浅议庭前供述与当庭翻供的审查判断

    Discussion on Checkup and Judgment of Before-court Confession and On-Court Withdraw Confession

  5. 到了法庭时,他又翻供了。

    When at the court , he overthrew his confession .

  6. 只要有审讯我就还有翻供的机会

    If there 's a trial , I have a fighting chance .

  7. 第二部分对当庭翻供的原因进行分析。

    The second part provides an analysis of the reasons for on-court confession .

  8. 如实供述后在二审翻供的不影响自首的认定。

    Second statement after the facts of confession does not affect the surrendered .

  9. 刑事庭审中被告人翻供的原因及其对策

    Reasons for Confession Withdrawal of the Accused in Criminal Court Trial and the Countermeasures

  10. 翻供,是近年来刑事司法活动中比较突出的一个问题。

    Withdrawn confession is an outstanding problem in the criminal judicature activities in recent years .

  11. 他之后又翻供了。

    He later recanted his confession .

  12. 目前我国法律对于翻供问题并没有明确的规定,司法实践中对于翻供的做法也是不尽一致。

    Besides , there is no complete agreement on how to handle it in judicial practice .

  13. 她已经对警察局里的人完全承认过了,现在决计无法翻供。

    She had committed herself so fully to the policeman that she could not well retract .

  14. 第二章研究了受贿案件中受贿人翻供的证据运用。

    Chapter II study of the bribery case , evidence of the use of bribery were retracted .

  15. 第四部分针对已经发生的当庭翻供,提出正确的处理方法。

    The fourth part points out the right way to handle the on-court confession that already happened .

  16. 侦查人员应根据不同情况,通过完善司法制度、教育帮助犯罪嫌疑人等手段减少翻供的发生。

    Investigation personnel should reduce it by improving judicial system , helping and educating suspect and so on .

  17. 翻供问题研究

    Studies of Testimony Retraction

  18. 以遏制刑讯逼供为中心预防翻供的几点制度设计

    The Design of Systems that Prevents the withdrawal of a Confession Centred around Containing the Extortion of a Confession

  19. 从行为性质上讲,翻供是犯罪嫌疑人、被告人对其原来所作的有罪、罪重、无罪、罪轻供述的自我否定。

    Confession withdrawal is self-denial of criminal suspects or defendants about their original guilty , heavy-sin , unguilty or light-sin statements .

  20. 本文对相互矛盾的庭前供述与当庭翻供的审查判断问题作了探讨。

    In this paper , the author discusses the judgment on the conflicting before - court confession and on - court confession .

  21. 但是实践中,翻供的理由繁多,处理翻供问题的做法不一,比较好的做法是分别不同诉讼阶段处理。

    However , due to various reasons and approaches to confession withdrawal , a better way is to deal with it in different phases of litigation .

  22. 为了提高诉讼效率、快速打击犯罪,审判人员往往对被告人的翻供置之不理,或者不加区分地持否定态度。

    In order to improve the efficiency of proceedings and crime-striking , judges often ignore the on-court confession of defendant , or do not adopt it even without review .

  23. 自首后翻供,又如实供述的时间限定在一审判决之前,笔者认为应当放宽到二审庭审或判决之前。

    After the confession confession voluntary surrender , and time is limited in a trial before , the author thinks should be relaxed to the second trial or sentence before .

  24. 贪污贿赂案件翻供翻证及侦查对策研究被告人翻供口供审查认定的理论探讨&对被告人翻供案件证据的认定

    To Study Overthrowing Confession and Testimony and Investigating Countermeasures in the Corruption and Bribe Cases ; Theoretical Discussion on Inspection and Affirmation of Cases Relating to the Accused Revoking Their Confession

  25. 其中数罪如实供述的自首认定分为同种数罪与异种数罪的如实供述,翻供按在审判中的不同阶段分为一审翻供、二审翻供。

    Which statement accurately for SINS into the same species that sin surrendered with dissimilar , according to the number of the trial confession in different stage of first and second into confession .

  26. 翻供是口供的一种,是指犯罪嫌疑人、被告人在判决确定前,推翻原有供述和辩解的一部或者全部,而作出的新的供述和辩解。

    Testimony retraction is the denial by the suspect or defendant of part or all of his or her former confession and is therefore his or her new testimony or argument in a legal case .

  27. 翻供原因分析及恶意翻供侦讯对策研究翻译时不应根据自己的好恶改变原文的意思。

    An Analysis on the Reason of Withdrawing A Confession and The Countermeasures against Withdraw A Confession with Ill Will ; In doing translation , one should not alter the original meaning to suit one 's own taste .

  28. 在我国,口供制度不尽完善,司法实践中刑讯逼供屡禁不止,冤假错案时有发生;重口供、翻供等问题也一直困扰着司法机关。

    In china , the institution of accused statement is not perfect . Torture is not forbidden during the judicatory practice , and the Trumped-up case is frequently . Withdrawn confession is always the problem that perplexing the judiciary .

  29. 这样的做法一方面纵容了侦查中的非法取证、刑讯逼供等违法行为,另一方面又错失了根据翻供中的线索查明案件真相的机会,从而无法避免冤假错案的发生,损害了司法公正。

    Such a practice not only connive the illegal confession extorted by torture and other offences , but also cause missing opportunity to find the fact in light of on-court confession , thus unable to avoid the occurrence of unjust .

  30. 检察机关要遵循正确的方法与步骤审查证据的本质和证据的充分性,以辩诉方法审查起诉,排除非法证据,预防和正确对待翻供翻证,从而保证司法公正、公平,提高司法效率。

    The investigating and prosecuting apparatus shall follow the proper methods and measures to examine the essence and validity of evidence by avoiding illegal evidence and preventing confession withdrawal and evidence reversal to ensure the judicial justice and improve judicial efficiency .