
yǔ róng fú
  • Down Jackets;down-filled coat
  1. 目前高端羽绒服和户外运动面料市场基本被尼龙和涤纶面料所垄断,PTT面料是否能够在该领域取得应用拓展,关键看他有无特别的优性能,打价格战是没有出路的。

    Currently , the senior down and outdoor fabrics market is monopolized by the nylon and polyester fabrics . The Particular advantages of performance are the key point that PTT fabric can be applied and expanded in this field .

  2. 警方表示俞炳彦的尸体脚蹬一双价格昂贵的鞋子,身着意大利LoroPiana品牌羽绒服。

    Police said Mr Yoo 's body was wearing a pair of expensive shoes and an Italian Loro Piana brand winter parka .

  3. 他说:“这件羽绒服改变了我那年冬天的穿衣方式。”LoroPiana的StormSystem夹克也进入了华尔街人士的衣橱,这款衣服由防风防水的羊绒制成,长至臀部,款式有些像滑雪服。

    It changed the way I dressed that winter , ' he said . Loro Piana 's Storm System jackets , which are made of wind-proof and waterproof cashmere and come in a hip-length , ski style have also made inroads into the wardrobes of Wall Street .

  4. 在冬季温度为-20℃,相对湿度为75%的条件下,1kg吸附剂可满足着装为羽绒服,步行速度大于3.2km/h的人体在4h之内的热平衡需要。

    When the adsorbent is 1 kg at the temperature of ( - 20 ℃) and the relative humidity of 75 % in winter , a person wearing this clothes and walking at a speed above 3.2 km / h can be kept warm for 4 hours .

  5. 把我的羽绒服拿去穿吧,可以保暖。

    Take my down coat . It 'll keep you warm .

  6. 高密羽绒服面料工艺设计探索

    Discussion on technological process of high density and fine filament down-proof fabric

  7. 纳米三防羽绒服面料的研制

    The Development of Nanometer Three - proof Down Jacket Fabric

  8. 天太冷,所以他穿上了羽绒服。

    As it was rather cold , he had a feathercoat on .

  9. 这种羽绒服多少钱?

    What 's the price of the down garment ?

  10. 气温骤降,直接带火了羽绒服销售市场。

    A sudden drop in temperature directly boosts the sales of down jackets .

  11. 醒来后才发现,羽绒服原本拉着的拉链都被震开。

    When he awoke , Xie found his jacket zipper had burst open .

  12. 他说:这件羽绒服改变了我那年冬天的穿衣方式。

    ' It changed the way I dressed that winter , ' he said .

  13. 纳米材料在羽绒服中的应用

    Application of Using Nanometer Material in Down-proof fabric

  14. 这是我的新羽绒服。

    This is my new down jacket .

  15. 外面非常冷,所以她穿了一件厚厚的羽绒服出去了。

    It was very cold outside , so she went out in a thick down jacket .

  16. 温迪:阿美,我昨天在商场里看到了一件很漂亮的羽绒服。

    Wendy : May , I saw a beautiful cotton down coat in the shopping mail .

  17. 选用专用的羽绒服清洗剂。

    Use a down-specific detergent .

  18. 最为光滑的那些羽绒服豪不含蓄的在面料上打上出产国或公司的标志。

    The slickest of puffers have their nation or company name emblazoned somewhere prominently on the material .

  19. 你应该带什么衣服走?我应该带羽绒服和靴子。

    What clothes should you take with you ? I should take a down coat , and boots .

  20. 丽丽:天气太冷了,我想买一件羽绒服。

    Lili : It is so cold these days . I 'd like to buy a down coat .

  21. 波司登羽绒服已成功进入日本、美国、加拿大、俄罗斯、瑞士等国家市场。

    Its products have entered into the markets of Japan , America , Canada , Russia and Swiss .

  22. 穿着羽绒服住在他以每月20美元的价格祖下的没有供暧的车库房间里。

    and wore a down jacket in the heatless garage apartment he rented for $ 20 a month .

  23. 他的妈妈体形如何?我有闲置的羽绒服,希望可以帮到他们。

    And his mom would like to buy some clothes coz they didn 't bring enough clothes with them .

  24. 我想他的毛衣和羽绒服是这个时刻他最需要的。

    Tom : I think his sweaters and his down coats are what he most needs at this moment .

  25. 细节设计更加精巧,流苏,垫肩,无袖的设计让羽绒服更加时尚。

    There are more design details in down coats , such as leather fringes , shoulder pads and sleeveless patterns .

  26. 别的不多说了,如果你家还没有小棉袄,不如就直接领个小羽绒服回家吧!

    If you do not have a small cotton-padded jacket , it would better to bring this down jacket home !

  27. 原来我一直觉得看到很多人穿着特厚的羽绒服但不戴帽子有点好笑。

    In the past , the spectacle of people in giant , grotesque , puffer coats going hatless was always amusing .

  28. 时尚周到了,但温度低于零度,因此歌颂一下温暖的羽绒服是必要的。

    IT is Fashion Week , the temperatures are subfreezing , and so an ode to the snug down coat is due .

  29. 北京地铁系统的监控录像也将这一过程记录了下来。在这段令人惊恐的视频中,可以看到该男子戴着蓝色口罩,身上穿着羽绒服。

    The terrifying snaps of a man wearing a blue mask and coat were taken on the underground system in Beijing , China .

  30. 去南极探险,当然要穿保暖性强的羽绒服。

    To explore the South Pole , it is of course necessary for the explorers to wear down jackets which have good heat preservation .