
  1. 新的群盲签名体制是基于DSA的变型体制构造的。

    New group blind signature scheme is based on a modification of DSA .

  2. 基于Gibbs采样的群盲多用户检测技术

    A group-blind multiuser detection technique based on Gibbs sampler

  3. 成员可撤销的群盲签名方案设计与应用

    Design and Application of Group Blind Signature Schemes with Membership Revocation

  4. 基于群盲签名的能有效阻止勒索的电子现金方案

    Efficient E-Cash Scheme to Prevent Blackmailing Based on Group Blind Signature

  5. 基于椭圆曲线的限制性群盲签名方案

    A New Scheme of Restrictive Group Blind Signature Based on Elliptic Curves

  6. 基于身份的群盲签名的电子现金方案的研究

    The Research on E-Cash Scheme by Identity-Based Group Blind Signature

  7. 基于群盲签名的无收据电子投票方案

    The Scheme of non-receipt Electronic Voting Based on Group and Blind Signature

  8. 基于新的群盲签名的电子现金系统

    Electronic cash system on new group blind signature scheme

  9. 提出一种公平的群盲签名方案。

    A fair group blind signature scheme is proposed .

  10. 公平的群盲签名方案

    Fair Group Blind Digital Signature Scheme

  11. 介绍了群盲签名的概念,并给出了两个新的群盲签名方案。

    The notion of the group blind signature is given . Two new group blind signatures are proposed .

  12. 群盲签名是群签名与盲签名的结合,被用于很多电子现金方案中。

    Group blind signature scheme combined group signature and blind signature and is used to construct electronic cash systems .

  13. 文章利用群盲签名技术设计了一个分布式银行电子现金系统,它的成员为各个银行。

    In this paper , we design a system of distributed banks issuing electronic cash by utilizing group blind signature .

  14. 用群盲签名构造了两个无可信中心的多银行公平电子现金系统。

    Two fair electronic cash systems with multiple banks and without trustees are constructed by use of group blind signature .

  15. 本文在限制性群盲签名技术之上,引入了椭圆曲线密码算法,构造了一个多银行的可撤消匿名性的电子现金系统方案。

    This dissertation proposes a multi-bank , anonymity-revocable E-cash system by using restrictive blind group signature technology . The author apply Elliptic Curves Cryptosystem in the scheme .

  16. 群盲签名方案具有群签名和盲签名的特点,在电子商务、电子政务、网上选举和投标等场合都有重要的应用。

    Group blind signature schemes combine properties of group signatures and blind signatures , which is widely used in electronic commerce , electronic government , voting and bidding .

  17. 最后,在此基础上,综合椭圆曲线密码体制、数据摘要和群盲签名理论,构建了基于椭圆曲线的群盲签名安全模型。

    Finally , the thesis designs a security model based on group blind signature and elliptic curve which synthesizes elliptic curve cipher system ; data digest and group blind signature theory .

  18. 本文提出一个新的称为限制性群盲签名的概念,并且指出了如何利用限制性群盲签名来构造多个银行参与发行的、公正的电子现金系统。

    In this paper , we introduce a notion called restrictive blind group signature , then we construct a fair off-line e-cash system in the multiple bank model with both user and bank anonymity control .

  19. 该方案除满足多银行电子现金方案的基本的安全性质外,实现过程也比利用群盲签名构造的电子现金协议简单。

    It satisfies the fundamental secure properties of the electronic cash system with multiple banks , and besides , the realization process of the scheme is easier than e-cash protocol based on the blind group signature .

  20. 文章最后基于群盲签名体制给出了一个违规投标人可被撤销的在线招投标方案,该方案既能满足招投标流程的需求,也能对规范招投标操作起到一定积极作用。

    Finally , using group blind signature , we offer an online bidding project , in which a violating bidder can be detected and dismissed . This project not only meets the requirement of bidding flow , but also exerts positive effects on standardizing .

  21. 群盲签名可以看成是群签名的一个变体,是在群签名的基础上增加了盲签名的特性实现的,是实现电子商务、电子政务、电子金融系统安全的重要保证。

    Group blind signature can be seen as a variant of group signature . That is , it is realized through increasing blind signature characteristics into group signature . Group blind signature is a significant guarantee for safety implementation of e-commerce , e-government , e-financial system , and so on .

  22. 针对于这方面缺点,本文提出了一种基于改进粒子群的盲源分离算法,将一种改进的粒子群算法与独立分量分析相结合,提高了盲信号分离的性能。

    In view of this aspect flaw , this paper proposed a blind source separation algorithm based on the improved particle swarm optimization .

  23. 基于粒子群算法的盲源分离技术以其所设参数少、易于实现等优点一度被广泛应用,但是其极易陷入局部最优及收敛速度慢的缺陷严重影响了算法的性能。

    Based on the particle swarm optimization algorithm , the blind source separation technology are widely used with less parameters and easy to realized .

  24. 改进的粒子群算法及其非线性盲源分离

    Nonlinear blind source separation using improved particle swarm optimization