
  • 网络tanning;Self-Tanning;Sun tanning
  1. 如果你认为“美黑”是偶然形成的时尚,请你再好好想想!

    If you thought tanning became fashionable by accident , think again !

  2. 我要取消你们本学期的美黑特权。

    I 'm revoking your tanning privileges for the rest of the semester .

  3. 瓶装美黑剂可能会让你的腿、手臂和脸呈现出深一块、浅一块的橙色。

    Bottle tans can make your legs , arms and face look a patchy orange colour .

  4. 这个缩略语代表的意思是“健身房、美黑、洗衣服”,来自MTV电视台的《泽西海岸》。尽管这个词是因为剧中演员保罗·D而流行开来的,但事实上这个词是由该剧的制片人萨利安·萨尔萨诺创造的。

    This acronym , which stands for " gym , tan , laundry , " comes from MTV 's " Jersey Shore . " Although it was popularized by cast member Pauly D , it turns out that the phrase was actually invented by series producer SallyAnn Salsano .

  5. 在我们十几岁的时候,人人都疯狂的去美黑。

    During our teenage years , tanning was all the rage .

  6. 我们打算一会去美黑日晒沙龙。

    We 're going to the tanning salon after this .

  7. 我觉得那个美黑师有点过头了

    I think the spray tan lady went a little too far .

  8. 而不经常美黑的人吃过药后并没有出现类似症状。

    None of the infrequent tanners who took the drug reported these symptoms .

  9. 双胞胎下午三点要做美黑

    at 3:00 the twins have their spray tans .

  10. 介绍了美黑作为一种新的流行理念被越来越多的年轻人所接受。

    Being a glamour fashion , tanning was accepted by more and more people .

  11. 在珊瑚礁中生存有点象生活在美黑床的光线照射下一样。

    Living on a coral reef is a bit like living in a tanning bed .

  12. 她开创了美黑

    Sun tan was started by her

  13. 当这个美黑小星星声称

    While the spray-tanned starlet claims

  14. 但我们应该记住一些关于“美黑”的事,不论是在室内还是室外。

    But there is some things we should all keep in mind about tanning , outside or indoors .

  15. 你也许很喜欢日光浴—或者在美黑沙龙里暴晒自外线。

    You may love to soak up the sun - or the UV rays at the tanning salon .

  16. 我用化妆刷将美黑膏刷在脸、脖子和前胸上。

    I use a big make-up brush to apply the bronzer all over my face , neck and decollete .

  17. 除前十种最常借用的物品外,男性还借用过伴侣的头发拉直器、人工美黑慕斯、指甲油和眼线笔或睫毛膏。

    Just outside the top ten included hair straighteners , fake tan , nail varnish and eyeliner or mascara .

  18. 我想您一定要去迈阿密海滩看看,那可真是个享受阳光美黑的好地方。

    I think you should check out Miami Beach . It 's a great place to get a tan .

  19. 美国皮肤癌基金会的统计显示,美国的室内美黑行业每年的营业额达20亿美元。

    Tanning beds are a $ 2 billion-a-year industry in the United States , according to the skin cancer foundation .

  20. 结果就是,他们当中有50人(相当于参与调查总人数的1/5)符合有美黑瘾的标准。

    Fifty students , or about a fifth of those surveyed , met the authors ' for addiction to indoor tanning .

  21. 然后,研究人员对数百名本科生进行了该问卷调查,这些学生平均每年要去美黑沙龙23次。

    Then they gave those surveys to a couple hundred undergrads who fake'n'bake , on average , 23 times a year .

  22. 要问她将如何改变世界?她的回答是:让美黑床走进千家万户。

    When asked how she would change the world if she could , she said , I would put tanning beds in everybody 's homes .

  23. 专家们指出,最最重要的自我保护措施就是:将阳光曝晒降低到最低限度,避免使用室内美黑床或美黑照明。

    Experts say that by far the most important ways for us to protect ourselves are by minimizing sunlight exposure and avoiding indoor tanning beds or lamps .

  24. 例如:“你是否在美黑的同时计划减少美黑时间?”

    For example : " Do you try to cut down on the time you spend in tanning beds or booths but find yourself still tanning ? "

  25. 或许,美黑这件事就是个纯碰运气的游戏。赢家展示她们古铜色的双腿,不走运的输家则穿上了裤子。

    Maybe the whole fake tan business is a game of pure luck , with winners displaying their bronzed legs and unlucky losers resorting to the trouser option .

  26. 《泽西海岸》中的施诺奇和保利-D在想些什么,科学家们总算知道了:美黑,会上瘾。

    Scientists have finally verified something that Jersey Shore stars Snooki and Pauly D have probably known all along & that getting your bronze on at the tanning salon may be addictive .

  27. 而且,他们认为眼下愈演愈烈的整容之风该消停下来了,包括肉毒杆菌、丰唇手术、人工美黑以及假睫毛。

    What 's more they are calling for the growing trend for plastic surgery , including Botox and lip fillers , and fake tan and false eyelashes to come to an end .

  28. 视频中还提到,利物浦是最多人拥有晒黑肤色的英国城市,超过59%的利物浦女性承认她们每个月至少涂抹5次美黑乳。

    Liverpool , the video adds , is considered to be the most-tanned city in Britain , with more than 59 percent of women admitting to applying fake tanner at least five times per month .

  29. 但该研究小组表示紫外线对身体造成的明显增益效果提示我们是否也是由于有同样的化学反应的激励,才使得人类对海滩日光浴或者美黑沙龙里的床位趋之若鹜。

    But the research team says that the apparent physical reward for UV exposure suggests it 's worth exploring if a similar chemical reaction may be spurring humans to keep running to the beach or tanning bed .

  30. 护肤品牌Flint+Flint开展了一项长达半年的研究,发现多数英国女性每天都会化妆,34%做过人工美黑,22%常戴假睫毛。

    A six month study carried out by skin care brand Flint + Flint revealed the majority of UK women wear make-up every day , while 34 per cent wear fake tan and 22 per cent regularly wear false eyelashes .