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  • manicure, nail painting;Nail;Nail Beauty;Nail Art
  1. 迟到二十分钟,没做上美甲

    you were 20 minutes late to your manicure .

  2. 即使最好的美甲作品最终也会磨损,而清洗指甲油是非常简单的。

    Even the best manicure wears out eventually , and removing polish is simple enough .

  3. 美甲师修锉指甲的手艺娴熟。

    Manicurists are skilled at shaping and filing nails .

  4. 众多的好莱坞名流都去光顾珍妮特·沃恩的美甲店。

    The glitterati of Hollywood are flocking to Janet Vaughan 's nail salon .

  5. 所以,现在有了“宠物美甲“这个新潮流。

    So , there is a new trend … PAWdicure !

  6. Pawdicure(宠物美甲)指针对宠物进行的精致舒适的足部护理,包括足部按摩、指甲润泽、修剪、抛光及彩绘,程序与人类足部护理一样。

    Pawdicure refers to the elaborate pampering and moisturized and their nails clipped , polished and painted , just like a human pedicure .

  7. 结论得出美甲顾客们在2年内照射8次,就能造成DNA损伤足以致癌的程度。

    So salon customers sitting under the highest-intensity nail dryer just eight times in two years could reach the threshold for DNA damage associated with cancer .

  8. 当前,几千人在Instagram上用“#泡泡美甲”的标签,发布他们新做的3D美甲照片。

    Thousands are now posting photos of their new 3D talons on Instagram under the hashtag \# bubblenails .

  9. Mode网站制作的视频中,手模做了11种不同款式的美甲,从1916年至2016年,每十年各一款,视频还展示了许多颜色及风格各异的美甲。

    In a new video by Mode , a hand model is given 11 different manicures to represent each decade from 1916 to 2016 , and quite a variety of colors and style are on display .

  10. 现在,如果跑步受伤,可以在家里,躺在床上给膝盖做X光检查,只需55美元,与此同时,还可以理发和美甲。

    Now an ailing runner can have her knees X-rayed in bed for about $ 55 , and while she is at it , get a haircut and a pedicure .

  11. 美甲店的主要供应商,OPIProducts,三月份声明其将开始从产品中去掉甲苯。

    A leading supplier to nail salons , OPI Products , announced in March that it would begin removing toluene from its products .

  12. 她的美甲图案还有V型条纹,没有度数的近视镜,那群喜欢自己动手的闺蜜,自己做手工,她们头顶的发髻,还有彼得潘领和斜挎包。

    With her nail art and her chevron stripes and her non-prescription prescription glasses and her bffs who love to diy and their top knots and Peter Pan collars and cross body bags .

  13. 她在自己的YouTube个人主页上传了78段视频——从化妆、美甲教程到舞蹈应有尽有,超过1.3万的粉丝关注了她的Facebook主页。

    She now has 78 videos on her official YouTube page - ranging from makeup tutorials and nail art to dancing and her Facebook page boasts over 13000 fans .

  14. 美甲的时候,我指向一瓶暗红色的OPI瓶子。

    I pointed to the dark red OPI bottle .

  15. 从几家美甲店和意式千层面馆(HouseofLasagna)拐过街角,在东39街一个日本素餐厅的门厅里,一场日式茶道正在进行。

    In the foyer of a Japanese vegetarian restaurant on East 39th Street , around the corner from several nail salons and the House of Lasagna , a Japanese tea ceremony was unfolding .

  16. 才不要。Roman都不会滑冰,escort:护送,护卫park:公园难道你不能在去开会的路上顺便把他带走吗?drop:放下nail:指甲salon:沙龙,大会客室送他去做美甲。

    No. - Blair : Roman does not even know how to ice skate . Can 't you escort him out of the park on your way to the meeting , maybe drop him at a nail salon ? -

  17. 周日,位于铜锣湾(CausewayBay)的这家书店没有开门。该书店地处香港主要购物区的心脏地带,楼上是一家美甲店,对面是一家博柏利(Burberry)专卖店。

    On Sunday , the bookstore in Causeway Bay , which sits underneath a nail parlour and opposite a Burberry store in the heart of Hong Kong 's main shopping district , was closed .

  18. 为了全心照顾Derek,她不得不将美甲日晒店的部分股权卖给合作伙伴,可她连当初的投入都没收回来。

    To focus on Derek , she had to sell her portion of a nail and tanning shop to her business partner , and she didn 't come close to recouping her original investment .

  19. 大部分人选择在夏季将纹身贴纸贴在裸露的皮肤,而美国美甲设计师SabellaSnyder已经把它们推广到了自己的美甲设计上,这样一年四季都可以使用美美的纹身贴纸了。

    While flash tattoos are mostly displayed on exposed skin during the summertime , American nail stylist Sabella Snyder uses them in other seasons by incorporating them into her nail art designs .

  20. 美甲被美甲师视为的“新配件”出现在CharlotteRonson、PrabalGurung、RachelAntnoff的时装上,带着有趣设计的菲利林3.1受到了推崇。

    Nail ArtDeemed " the new accessory " by manicurists , talons at Charlotte Ronson , Prabal Gurung , Rachel Antnoff , and 3.1 Phillip Lim were adorned with fun designs .

  21. 40岁的尼尔玛·苏扎(NailmaSouza)在萨尔瓦多开了一家美甲店,该市是兹卡疫情的重灾区。苏扎坚信兹卡病毒是一场阴谋,目的是转移对政府希望保密的癌症治疗方法的注意力。

    Nailma Souza , 40 , who owns a nail salon in Salvador , a city that has been hit hard by the outbreak , is certain that Zika was concocted to divert attention away from a cure for cancer that the authorities want to keep secret .

  22. 这种新型电子美甲仪不仅体积小,而且更加轻巧。

    E-Manicure is smaller and lighter than others on the market .

  23. 这是美甲品生产商要设法解决的问题。

    This is something that nail salon manufacturers are trying to address .

  24. 您的美甲店希望获得高额的利润回报吗?

    Do you want to raise a high profit in your shop ?

  25. 以前我和我的闺蜜最喜欢去做美甲了

    Me and my friends used to love getting manicures .

  26. 我去渋谷做美甲咯!

    I went to shibuya and Igot my nails done !

  27. 根据超级玛丽3.0游戏设计的超酷美甲!

    Awesome nail art inspired by the Super Mario Bros.3 video game .

  28. 研究人员假设每次美甲进行8分钟的紫外光照射。

    The researchers assumed an eight-minute UV exposure each time .

  29. 它们比足部美甲更便宜,并且保持的更久。

    They 're cheaper than a pedicure and they last longer too .

  30. 她这个星期只去过美甲店两次。

    She has only been into the shop two days this week .