
měi zhōu shī
  • cougar;puma;mountain lion;mountain cat
  1. 美洲狮的主要猎物是guanaco,一种生长在安第斯山的骆马。

    The puma 's main prey is the guanaco , the camel of the Andes .

  2. 美国联邦航空管理局表示,这两种无人机为英西图公司的“扫描鹰X200”和航空环境公司的“美洲狮”。

    The Federal Aviation Administration says the drones are Insitu 's Scan Eagle X200 and Aero Vironment 's PUMA .

  3. 落基山脉中有熊和美洲狮生存。

    The Rockies are home to bears and mountain lions .

  4. 在TorresDelPaine国家公园,美洲狮找到了避难所。

    In Torres Del Paine National Park , pumas have found a refuge .

  5. 这就是AeroVironment对其被称为美洲狮的流行无人机计划要做的,公司的营销经理大卫·海德尔解释道。

    That 's what AeroVironment plans to do with its popular drone called the Puma , explained David Heidel , the company 's marketing manager .

  6. 美洲狮的耳和尾尖通常呈深色。

    The ears and tail tip of pumas are generally dark .

  7. 美洲狮&海派西服的典范。

    American Lion , the model Western suit in Shanghai style .

  8. 你想谈谈美洲狮或者大狗熊吗?

    You wanna talk about the bear or the mountain lion ?

  9. 美洲狮耳朵和尾巴的尖端通常呈深色。

    The tip of pumas ' ears and tails are generally dark .

  10. 美洲狮除非被逼得走投无路,是绝不会伤人的。

    Pumas will not attack a human being unless it is cornered .

  11. 这只球队将美洲狮作为吉祥物。

    The team had a mountain lion as their mascot .

  12. 动物园感到有必要调查逃遁的美洲狮了。

    Zoo felt obliged to investigate the puma at large .

  13. 突然间,不知从哪里悄无声息地蹿出一只美洲狮。

    Silently and suddenly a cougar appeared out of nowhere .

  14. 美洲狮是一种在美洲发现的猫科大动物。

    Puma are large , cat-like animals which are found in America .

  15. 听上去她是一头美洲狮。

    Sounds to me like she could be a cougar .

  16. 那只凶猛的美洲狮袭击了羊群。

    The fierce mountain lion attacked a flock of sheep .

  17. 牧场工人给美洲狮很大的诱饵,然后可以在视野范围内射击。

    Ranchers place large bounties on pumas , and will shoot on sight .

  18. 也许是美洲狮或者大狗熊。

    A mountain lion , a bear , maybe .

  19. 用消毒鲜牛奶全人工哺育美洲狮幼仔的试验初探

    The Study of Full Hand-rearing of the Felis concolor Infants with Sterilizing Fresh-milk

  20. 留下的爪印,源自大型猫科动物,很可能是一只美洲狮。

    Claw marks , from a big cat , most likely a cougar .

  21. 一只美洲狮在美国亚利桑那州纪念谷的一处岩石上漫步。

    A mountain lion swaggers across an outcropping in Arizona 's Monument Valley .

  22. 我知道有个美洲狮在里面,我把它放在里面。

    I know there 's a cougar , I put it in there .

  23. 同域栖息的美洲虎和美洲狮存在竞争吗?

    Is there competition between sympatric jaguar Panthera onca and puma Puma concolor ?

  24. 我看到了一头美洲狮朝向猎物潜步而行。

    I saw a cougar slinking toward its prey .

  25. 而皇后动物园的美洲狮和猞猁却完全不吃这一套。

    But forget that for the pumas and lynx at the Queens Zoo .

  26. 美洲狮可以杀死八倍于自身体积的动物。

    Cougars can kill animals eight times their size .

  27. 我以为她和多数美洲狮一样老而脆弱。

    I thought she 'd be old and fragile , like most cougars .

  28. 加拿大妈妈击退美洲狮,挽救女儿。

    Canadian Mum Fights Off Cougar , Saves Daughter .

  29. 一头雌性美洲狮监管着她的领地。

    A young female stakes out her territory .

  30. 和大部分沙漠动物不同,美洲狮在白天十分活跃。

    Unlike most other desert animals , mountain lions are active during the daytime .