
  • 网络Millard Reaction;the maillard reaction
  1. pH和加热时间对美拉德反应挥发性产物的影响

    Effect of pH and heating time on volatile products of Maillard reaction

  2. 美拉德反应(Maillardreaction)是食品原料中的氨基化合物(氨基酸,肽和蛋白质)和羰基化合物(糖类)在食品加工和储藏过程中自然发生的反应。

    The Maillard reaction is a reaction between amino ( amino acid and protein ) and carbonyl compounds in food during storage , preparation , or processing of foods .

  3. 红外光谱分析发现,CMC与SPI之间发生了美拉德反应,XRD也证明上述反应可大大降低共混材料的结晶程度。

    FTIR spectra showed that Maillard reactions occurred between CMC and SPI , and XRD scans indicated that the Maillard reactions greatly reduced the crystallinity of SPI .

  4. 氨基酸与葡萄糖在不同的反应条件下(氨基酸的种类、pH值、反应时间以及氨基酸与葡萄糖之比)所形成的美拉德反应产物对甘薯中多酚氧化酶的抑制作用不同。

    MRPs , synthesized under different conditions including heating time , type of amino acids , pH , amino acid and glucose concentrations various , showed different effects on PPO and on browning of frozen sweet potato slices .

  5. 氨基酸与葡萄糖形成的美拉德反应产物(MRPs)对甘薯中的多酚氧化酶(PPO)以及冷冻甘薯片的褐变均具有一定的抑制作用。

    Maillard reaction products ( MRPs ) have effect on the polyphenol oxidase ( PPO ) and the browning of frozen sweet potato slices .

  6. 测定了氨基葡萄糖、不同氨基葡萄糖美拉德反应产物体外清除DPPH自由基、羟基自由基以及还原能力。

    The determination of glucomannan , different glucosamine maillard reaction products in vitro removed DPPH free radicals , hydroxyl radicals and the reduction ability were carried out .

  7. 结果表明,乳糖与鲢鱼肉Mf发生美拉德反应后生成的肌原纤维乳糖蛋白在低离子强度溶液中的溶解性得到了有效提高,乳糖能有选择性地与肌球蛋白重链相结合。

    These results indicated that the solubility of myofibrillar proteins in low ionic strength medium was improved by the Maillard reaction , and the myosin heavy chain was selectively conjugated with lactose .

  8. 苹果浓缩汁加工单元操作中前巴氏杀菌杀处理能够钝化PPO的活性,在前巴氏杀菌后的加工单元操作及贮存过程中引起果汁褐变的主要原因是美拉德反应。

    First pasteurization of the raw juice may inactivate or denature polyphenoloxidase ( PPO ), so in the following processing and storage , accumulation of brown color is mainly due to Maillard reaction .

  9. 吡嗪类化合物由美拉德反应生成,炒籽30min后温度攀升为反应提供了良好的反应条件。

    Pyrazine compounds generated by the Maillard reaction and the sharp temperature rise after 30 min-roasting provided a well reaction condition for the Maillard reaction .

  10. 随反应时间的延长,美拉德反应产物(MRPs)的抑菌活性明显提高,反应6h时,MRPs具有最高的抑菌活性。

    With extension of reaction time , antibacterial activity of Maillard Reaction Products ( MRPs ) increased . MRPs of 6 h possessed the highest antibacterial activity .

  11. 并从超高温灭菌时出现美拉德反应的机理出发,以5-HMF为褐变程度的指示物,研究不同灭菌条件及添加抑制剂后对指示物的影响。

    5-HMF is one of the indictors for Maillard reaction . It was also discussed the effects of the sterilized conditions and inhibitors on the concentration of 5-HMF .

  12. 以氨基葡萄糖单体,通过不同的反应条件制备得到不同的氨基葡萄糖美拉德反应产物(G-MRPs)。

    Based on glucosamine monomer , have obtained different glucosamine maillard reaction products ( G-MRPs ) through the reaction conditions of different preparation .

  13. 以大豆为原料,通过酸解法制备植物水解蛋白(HVP),以HVP为原料通过美拉德反应制取肉味香精。

    To provide a main reactant for the formation of meat flavor in the Millard reaction , soybean was used as the raw material to prepare hydrolyzed vegetable protein ( HVP ) by acid hydrolysis .

  14. 有通过糖基化/美拉德反应而形成的糖基化终产物;实验结果表明,蛋白的羰基修饰生成了老年色素类荧光物质(APFs),同时使蛋白的羰基含量增加;

    Fluorescent advanced glycation end products formed during glycation Maillard reactions , are carbohydrate associated age pigment like substances . The results showed that age pigment fluorescence products ( APFs ) formed when MDA was added to BSA solution .

  15. 烹饪过程中美拉德反应对菜肴的影响

    The Influence of Maillard Reaction on the Dish in Cooking Process

  16. 美拉德反应机理研究新进展

    The Development of A Study on the Mechanism of Maillard Reaction

  17. 美拉德反应及其产物对绍兴酒的影响

    Effect of Maillard reaction and its products on Shaoxing rice wine

  18. 通过美拉德反应制备天然脂肪香精。

    The " fat flavor " was produced through Maillard reaction .

  19. 亚硫酸盐抑制糖汁美拉德反应的研究

    Study on inhibiting maillard reaction in sugar juice by sulphite

  20. 美拉德反应制备鸡味香精的研究

    Study on Making of the Chicken Fragrance by Millard Reaction

  21. 脂肪氧化和美拉德反应与肉品风味质量的关系

    Effect of Lipid Oxidation and Maillard Reaction on Flavor Meat

  22. 美拉德反应基液&鳊鱼蛋白酶解液的制备

    Protein Hydrolysate from Parabramis pekinensis for Preparing the Material in Maillard Reaction

  23. 花生粕控制酶解及其产物美拉德反应的产业化研究

    Peanut Meal Control Enzyme and Maillard Reaction Products Industry Research

  24. 葡萄糖和果糖参加美拉德反应的量几乎是一致的。

    The degree of glucose and fructose maillard reaction is almost equal .

  25. 对以美拉德反应形成的肉类香精在气相色谱分析中不同富集方法比较

    The Contrast of Concentrated Methods-in GC analysis-for Maillard-reactioned meat flavor

  26. 均匀设计在美拉德反应研究中的应用

    Uniform Design and Its Application in Study of Maillard Reaction

  27. 肉品风味形成与美拉德反应

    Review on the studying the formation of meat flavor and Maillard reaction

  28. 模式美拉德反应产物抗氧化性能的研究

    Study on the Antioxidant Activity of the Produced by Model Maillard Reaction

  29. 美拉德反应是形成丙烯酰胺的重要途径。

    Maillard reaction is the main approach to form acrylamide .

  30. 美拉德反应目前被认为是形成丙烯酰胺的重要途径。

    Maillard reaction was proved as the main pathway to form acylamide .