
  1. 你们的美容护肤品深受世界各地妇女的欢送。

    Your cosmetics and skincare products are very popular with women in all parts of the world .

  2. 据我所知,贵公司是一家世界闻名的生产美容护肤品的公司。

    As far as I know , your company is a world-famous company that produces cosmetics and skincare products .

  3. 韩国男性开始越来越重视自身的形象,他们将越来越多的金钱花费在购买美容护肤品上。

    South Korean men are starting to place more emphasis on their physical appearance , by spending more and more on beauty-care products .

  4. 第二职业:于1993年每周用三个晚上,一个晚上两上小时去上门直销雅芳美容护肤品。字串1。

    Second Job : Sold Avon cosmetics and skincare from house to house , two hours an evening , three evenings a week , in1993 .

  5. 天狮集团称自己的顾客遍布190个国家,并表示自己的业务主要是保健食品、保健用品、美容护肤品和家居用品。

    Tiens Group says it reaches consumers in 190 countries and deals mostly in health food , health care appliances , skin care applications and household products .

  6. 调查结果表明:1.家居生活类产品是女性消费者最倾向于通过电视购物频道购买的产品,其次是家用电器类产品,再次是美容护肤品。

    The most possible products that the female consumers tend to buy through the TV shopping channel , is the household commodities followed by household appliances , next is beauty and skin care products .

  7. 用途:美容化妆品和护肤品中,如粉底霜、爽身粉、唇膏、沐浴露、香皂等。

    Application : Used as Colour cosmetic and skin care , for example face powder , talcum powder , lipstick , body shower foam and soft soap , etc.